A Hopeful Invention, The Bottle Of Calm

Do not give up! The educator Maria Montessori gave us a hopeful invention. The bottle of calm, a device that helps children relax in stressful situations. Believe us when we tell you it’s a wonderful part that doesn’t just calm kids down. With the rest of the little ones, our own returns too.
A hopeful invention, the bottle of calm

Although tantrums are normal for certain age groups  , when they become more common, our worries, stress, and despair begin. It is usually very difficult to control the tearful or irritating behavior. So we give in to many of the children’s requests because we don’t know what to do. How can the bottle of calm help?

To help us control the famous tantrums, various theories and recommendations have been developed. Those that are practical have a good reputation and have largely proven themselves.

We should take into account that some children act in negative ways because of their age. In other cases, however, there may be behavioral disorders. The bottle of calm aims to resolve these temporary situations, the origin of which has been fully identified.

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What we should know about the bottle of calm

María Montessori is an educator who has developed a pedagogical method on several levels. Their ultimate goal is to ensure the proper upbringing of the child without resorting to punishment, but by using their skills.

We know that there are many things that children do not understand. They also do not have the same ability to adapt to certain environments as adults do, or the ability to communicate. Therefore, children can act in incomprehensible ways that can unsettle us and leave us at a loss.

The bottle of calm is one of the inventions included in the Montessori method. It is designed for children between two and about six years of age. Studies have shown that this invention is ideal for entertaining young children with a specific object, the function of which has been previously determined and should be known to the child.

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How do you make a bottle of calm?

One of the qualities of the Bottle of Tranquility is that we can make it at home. For this we need the following materials:

  • A clear bottle with a lid, preferably plastic, to prevent breakage.
  • 1 or 2 spoons of clear glue that  contains glitter or something similar. It can be a couple of spoons or whatever amount we think is sufficient.
  • In addition to the glitter that the glue contains, it’s good to add 3 or 4 extra teaspoons of glitter of bold colors.
  • A bit of coloring agent of your child’s favorite color or the one that they identify with the most.
  • Shampoo, preferably for children or a neutral one. We can also use glycerin.
  • Warm water
  • Silicone gun
  • silicone


  • Put all materials in the bottle. The quantities should correspond to the size of the container. Don’t fill the bottle all the way; that is, the mixture shouldn’t reach the lid. Leave an inch of space.
  • You can also put small toys, such as boats, geometric figures, or hearts in the bottle. Be careful not to overdo it so that they can be seen individually in the bottle.
  • Mix all the materials together and make sure the lid is well sealed with silicone so your child doesn’t open the bottle.
  • A bottle of calm properly made shows a very interesting movement of the materials. The density of the shampoo, water and glue is different. All elements move at different speeds and perform different movements.

Benefits of the bottle of calm

The bottle of calm has several behavioral benefits because it allows the child to gradually return to their normal pace and behavior. To use it, the child should shake the bottle and watch the movement of the components in it that will entertain and keep them busy.

The bottle of calm is ideal for keeping our children busy for a moment so that we can quickly get on with another task. It is especially recommended to help them recover from their tantrums. It can function as a kind of punishment that the child must obey in order to have a healthy conversation afterwards.

Further advantages are:

  • It stimulates the ability to concentrate.
  • It stabilizes the energy level.
  • It is ideal for relaxing the mind and creating sleeping habits.
  • It is useful on long journeys or when children have to wait patiently.
  • It can work in restless children or in children at risk of hyperactivity.

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