A Strong Self-confidence For Your Children: 4 Strategies

In order to achieve our dreams, it is important that we feel comfortable in our skin.
A strong self-esteem for your children: 4 strategies

Some people  are very confident, but  others are insecure from childhood. You should therefore pay particular attention in your upbringing to give your child a healthy dose of self-esteem.

The child has to learn to love themselves – just as they are. Various strategies can help you nurture your child so they  can develop strong self-esteem 

Personal appreciation and the perception of one’s own abilities are the basis for a healthy self-esteem. This promotes a healthy and happy development of the child. 

Problems faced by children with low self-esteem

Certain behavior patterns indicate that all is not right with a child’s self-esteem.

  • The child is often sad for no apparent reason.
  • It doesn’t want to do anything alone.
  • The child has no interest in spending time with friends.
  • They don’t talk openly with family and have trouble expressing themselves.
  • The child is shy and refuses to talk to people they don’t know well.

Child does not have strong self-esteem

4 strategies to give your kids strong self-esteem

As a mom, it’s important to understand how your child can develop strong self-esteem. Remember the following strategies and apply them in your everyday life!

1. Give your children time and attention

With this first point we focus on one essential rule of parenthood. Parents need to spend time with their children.

This will make the children feel valued, loved and understood. They will understand that they mean a lot to their parents and are important to them.

It is important that you leave everything where you are when your child really needs you. This is the only way you can show him that his problems are important to you and that you are trying to find a solution together with him.

You can also use this situation to teach your child morals and strengthen their values.  It can also better recognize and accept its strengths and weaknesses.

2. How to deal appropriately with success and failure

Childhood is a phase of life that is characterized by constant learning.

Mistakes are also part of it. It is important how you deal with them. Show your child how they can learn positive things from their mistakes. 

It has to know how important it is to be resilient. But it also  has to learn to react correctly to success. 

You should recognize good performance and congratulate on success and commitment. It is also important that you never compare your child’s success to the achievements of siblings or friends.

This is how children will notice that you are interested in their development. They will feel that you are there for them to guide and help them when they need you.

But be careful: this doesn’t mean that your children should always protect or give them a solution. They have to learn from their mistakes and find solutions for themselves.

3. Show them how to understand their emotions

Emotional intelligence is an important key factor in children’s development. Teach your children to understand their feelings and to respond appropriately in certain situations.

It is important that you listen to them and help them understand that their feelings are normal. You shouldn’t feel ashamed of being afraid, worried, or sad.

These are completely normal emotions that everyone experiences.

Strong self-esteem

4. Set a good example and give your children constructive criticism

Your child subconsciously learns everything from you, even if you don’t teach them anything in particular. Therefore, your actions must also reflect the idea of ​​accepting positive risks, taking responsibility and, above all, being respectful, loving and understanding in dealing with others.

On the other hand, you shouldn’t hurt your children’s self-esteem if they make mistakes or misbehave.

To teach your children to love themselves, you should be aware of their intentions and actions – not their abilities or their success.

Refrain from making comments like “you will never learn this”. Your child will get on better if you help them with phrases like “keep practicing, you’ll make it”. For your child and their self-esteem, there are worlds between the two statements. 

Don’t forget that “small” actions are important too. Set healthy boundaries for your child and always be loving to them. So it can develop healthy self-esteem and a strong sense of self.

It will benefit from these strengths for its entire life!

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