An Aunt Is Like A Second Mother

Aunts are usually just as excited about their siblings’ babies as the mothers themselves.
An aunt is like a second mother

Aunts are like  a second mother and a supportive pillar of the family. They always give hugs to comfort their nieces and nephews and help out parents whenever they can.

The love an aunt feels for her niece or nephew is very special. The relationship is one of happiness and shared adventures. Like friendship, it is based on trust, mischief, games and also a little discipline.

Although aunts allow more than their parents do, they know how to set boundaries in a careful and loving way. They will be very concerned about the safety of their nieces and nephews.

All of these character traits enable children to see her like a second mother . For them an aunt is a friend but also a protector.

My second mother tells me stories

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An aunt is almost always the balance point between the child and his or her parents. The aunt knows all of them quite well and therefore her view of certain things can be shaped with great wisdom.

Aunts are also a great source of stories. They can always remember funny moments from their childhood with their siblings and lovingly pass them on to their nieces and nephews.

An aunt is like a second mother because she, too, becomes a nurse or teacher when her nieces or nephews need it. Nieces and nephews can find a close friend and confidante in her. She will always take care of her well-being.

Only an aunt can give hugs like a mother, keep secrets like a sister, and share happy moments like a friend.

The role of the aunt in healthy child development

The role of the aunt is very important in many ways in the life of children and for their development. One aspect is psychological in nature, as their role is very important in the subconscious family structure. 

This subconscious family structure grows with existing family ties that are anchored in our subconscious.

According to an article by psychologist Florencia del Rocio López, It’s family secrets. The connections to our ancestors. It is the things that remain unsaid or are only partially or misunderstood. Everything we experience shapes us and determines our subconscious psyche. “

The arrival of the baby changes everything

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When a new member joins the family, everyone’s lives change. The aunt then feels like a second mother who takes care of her nieces and nephews as if they were her own children.

Many aunts learn to be mothers when they have their little nieces or nephews in their arms  and find a new calling in their maternal instincts.

All the roles and functions they fulfill are redefined in the family with the birth of a child. Nieces and nephews  especially strengthen the bond between siblings who are now mothers, fathers or aunts.

Love in the family will surely grow from the moment the aunt feels the love of her little niece or nephew in her heart. When she loses herself in those little eyes and falls in love with the tenderness of these little people, she will wish they were her own children.

This love will grow and change as the nieces or nephews grow up. Over time, the aunt changes from being a guardian to becoming a friend.

Don’t forget that aunts are important

Don’t forget that aunts can share their interests with their nieces and nephews. Parents cannot always share their interests with their children in the same way because of lack of time or for other reasons.

Aunts and nieces / nephews also have  a special bond, similar to that between children and their grandparents. Even if the age difference is not that big and the way of showing their love is different.

Melanie Notkin, the founder of Savvy Auntie (an online community for aunts and godmothers) explains that the magic of relationships with aunts is based on the fact that they don’t have the same responsibilities as parents.

Parents need to discipline their children and that makes a huge difference in the relationship they have with one another.

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