Avoid Jealousy Of A New Sibling

Jealousy of a new sibling is a natural reaction because the child is afraid of losing the love of his or her parents. We have a few tips for you to help your child.
Avoid jealousy of a new sibling

Jealousy of a new sibling is a natural reaction because the child is afraid of losing the love of his or her parents. But children can also learn a lot through it and with a few tips you can prepare your offspring accordingly so that they look forward to their sibling. 

The waiting time: prepare your child for their new sibling

The arrival of a new sibling brings many changes for the whole family. Older siblings may misconceive the new situation, so it is best to prepare them well for it.

Let your child know that you are pregnant before they happen to find out about this news. Explain to them that you will need a lot of  time for their  new sibling because they will not be able to take care of themselves. 

Show your child pictures and videos so they can see what they were like as a small baby so they can better understand the situation. Ask them to help you with the preparations and let them choose different things for their new sibling. 

Your child can talk to the baby in their tummy and feel them with their hands as they move. You can also show and explain an ultrasound image to him.

Jealousy before the sibling is there

Not all children react in the same way. But it happens again and again that the older child is jealous even before the birth of his sibling. You can recognize this by the following behaviors:

  • Anger, fear, insecurity, sadness. Such feelings can also manifest themselves physically, for example through headaches, insomnia or dizziness.
  • Total rejection of the new sibling, even if it’s not there yet.
  • Declining development and behavior like a small baby, even though your child has already broken certain habits.
  • Trying to attract everyone’s attention and often disregard the sibling.
  • Also,  aggressive behavior,  verbal to physical confrontations, may indicate jealousy.

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How can you avoid jealousy of a new sibling?

Of course, there is no magic formula for avoiding jealousy of a new sibling. Even so, you can use the right methods to help your child express their emotions in a healthy way. Here are a few tips:

Schedule time for your child

Try to spend more time with your child. It now needs attention and a lot of love, because it has to know that it is very important, even if a sibling is on the way or is already there.

Let your child help you

When you let your child help care for the newborn, they’ll  feel important and useful. Depending on the age, you can give him different tasks.

Of course, you shouldn’t force your child to do it if they don’t feel like doing it.

Teach them understanding for their new sibling

Teach your child to show understanding. Understanding the feelings of others is an important part in their later life. Show him the advantages of being an older sibling.

Treat the siblings equally

Try to treat all of your children equally. Every child needs attention and love, even if the treatment of the siblings cannot always be the same, it should definitely be fair.

Ask other adults for help

Ask your family and friends not to forget your older child just because the new sibling has arrived. It should get the same attention and always be involved.

Teach your child to share

Help him develop his individual personality while respecting others. As they grow up, they should learn to share things and people with their siblings.

5 things you should absolutely avoid in this situation

If you want to avoid jealousy of a new sibling while strengthening family relationships, you shouldn’t do these things:

Don’t change any existing routines

Don’t change the routines that your child is already used to. Too many changes at the same time can lead to difficulties in adapting. 

Don’t think that your child doesn’t want a new sibling

Jealousy is not a sign that your child doesn’t want a sibling. In most cases  , the bonds of love between siblings grow stronger over time. 

Don’t make comparisons between siblings

Don’t compare your children to one another. Some of your comments may be simple observations, but they can have a huge impact on your child.

Jealousy of a new sibling - jealousy of a new sibling

Be careful with comments

Avoid statements that are easy to misunderstand. Phrases like “stay away from the baby” or “don’t touch it” can cause the older sibling to reject the younger one.

Correct misconduct if necessary

Bad behavior should be corrected. Some children seek attention by ridiculing or threatening the baby.

You shouldn’t reject your child’s feelings, but you should make them understand that this behavior is undesirable.

In short , it is almost impossible to completely avoid being jealous of a new sibling. However, with patience and affection, you can help your child deal with their emotions.

Over time, your children will learn to live together, accept their responsibilities, and love and respect one another.

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