Babies Infected With The Coronavirus: Measures

The new corona virus is still keeping the world in suspense. An important question now for many new parents is: What measures apply to babies infected with the coronavirus? You can learn more about this topic in this article.
Babies infected with the coronavirus: measures

As before, the world is because of the novel coronavirus in alarm. This can cause the disease COVID-19. The current pandemic has severely restricted normal life in many countries and thousands of cases have been reported around the world. In this article you will find some general information on this topic and in particular something about the measures that apply to babies infected with the coronavirus.

Briefly explained again: What is the coronavirus?

First of all, it can be said that the coronaviruses are a family of viruses. These often affect animals and there are many different types within this family. It can happen that some mutate and then infect people as a result.

This is exactly the case with the novel coronavirus. This is called SARS-CoV-2. This new strain was first identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. And since then, its rapid spread has resulted in a dramatic increase in the number of cases worldwide.

What are the symptoms?

Most infected people are infected with the coronavirus without symptoms. This means that there are no signs of an infection in the affected person. The most common symptoms, especially in children and infants, are mild and rather unspecific. Like a cold, for example.

Original image source: Government of the Canary Islands

If symptoms do occur, they are usually a dry cough, fever, and shortness of breath. It can also lead to muscle pain, fatigue and general malaise.

But this is not always the case. In rare cases, this virus can also cause pneumonia or even death from lung failure. However, this occurs mainly in particularly vulnerable population groups. For example, in the elderly or in people with a weakened immune system.

How is the virus transmitted?

It is believed that the most common route of transmission is what is known as droplet infection. Here can take place to-human transmission of man, through small particles that move in the air. So when an infected person coughs or sneezes, they expel these particles or droplets and these can spread for 1 or 2 meters. In addition, the virus can be transmitted even if the infected person is not symptomatic.

These particles can be left on everyday objects such as tables, doorknobs, etc., or hit another person directly. If an uninfected person touches an object infected by these droplets and then touches their eyes, nose or mouth, the virus can enter that person’s organism in this way.

Babies infected with the coronavirus: what to do?

Small babies do not yet have a fully developed immune system. Therefore you have to be especially careful and vigilant when dealing with them.

How is the coronavirus diagnosed in infants?

In adults who are suspected of being infected with the coronavirus, the secretions from the nose and throat are tested. The same procedure is used when it comes to babies who may have been infected with the coronavirus . The decision as to whether such a test is necessary or not lies with the specialist responsible for the child.

Coronavirus babies

Babies infected with the coronavirus: what happens if a test is positive?

Once a positive result is confirmed, there are two possible scenarios:

  1. The baby tested positive but is symptom-free. In these cases, the baby is hospitalized. There it remains in an isolated room and under constant surveillance. In addition, breastfeeding is interrupted if the mother has breastfed until then. Only healthy relatives are allowed to visit babies infected with the coronavirus. They also receive the appropriate protective clothing. Because this is the only way to avoid infection.
    • The baby is continuously monitored for its vital functions  and the necessary X-rays are taken of the baby’s breast. Because in this way you can check how the baby’s health is developing. In addition, you pay attention to whether there are any possible complications.
  2. The baby that tested positive shows symptoms. In this case, you must also initiate the measures mentioned above. But beyond that , the symptoms also need to be treated. And it does basically the same as it does with adults. So depending on the age and weight of the baby with COVID-19, certain medications are used in the appropriate dosage. These can include antipyretic drugs. There are also other supportive measures, such as adequate fluid intake. In addition, the liver, kidney and heart functions are monitored, especially in newborns.

How long do babies infected with the coronavirus have to stay in hospital?

If the baby is doing so well, it can go home, provided that it has tested negative in two tests and these two tests must be more than 24 hours apart. It is also important that the little one has been free of fever for 3 or more days. The chest x-rays must also have shown the improvements. Then the baby can be discharged from the hospital.

Conclusion: measures for babies with coronavirus

One must be aware of the following: The data available so far on the virus show that infection in infants and young children is usually milder than in adults. It is therefore important first of all that the parents remain calm.

If your baby does indeed have symptoms that match those of coronavirus infection, there are certain measures that need to be taken. These include those mentioned above. But the most important thing, as always, is that you follow the instructions of the specialist staff and heed the recommendations and advice they have received.

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