Bedtime For Children: When Should They Go To Bed?

Knowing what time to put children to bed is important for both their mental and physical health. This article gives a few pointers and tips on when is the right time for each age group.
Bedtime for kids: when should they go to bed?

Many parents keep asking themselves the question of when is the right bedtime for children  and how much sleep they actually need.

Only when they get enough sleep can they develop optimally and have enough energy during the day. However, everyone knows how difficult it can be to get children to bed at the right time at times.

The good news for any parent is that there is no need to despair. The following tips are helpful in getting children to sleep at the right time. 

When is the correct bedtime for children?

It is important for parents to know how many hours their child should sleep. The exact bedtime for children is of secondary importance.

Of course, the little ones shouldn’t be up until eleven o’clock at night, but you shouldn’t drive yourself crazy if this happens either.

But even in such exceptions, it is important to ensure that you sleep enough hours at a time.

Pediatricians recommend that children between the ages of 5 and 9 should go to sleep between 5pm and 9pm. If you are already between 10 and 12 years of age, the period can be extended to 10:30 p.m.

Of course, the exact time depends on when the children have to get up the next morning.

Bedtime for children depends on age

Recommended sleeping times depending on age

Depending on the age of the children, their physical need for sleep varies. Recommendations are given below about when a child should sleep roughly and for how long, depending on their age.

Children up to 1 year of age

Children up to the first year of life should sleep 16 hours a day. This also includes the afternoon nap.  You should sleep whenever your body demands it.

Between the ages of 1 and 5

At this age, children need about 14 hours of sleep a day. Napping is usually recommended. In the evening, toddlers should go to bed between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Children between 6 and 10 years

Children in this age group go to bed between 7:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. and should sleep approximately 12 hours.

Children and adolescents from the age of 12

From this age onwards, children and young people can stay awake until around 10:30 p.m. In total, they should sleep between 8 and 10 hours a day.

How do you get them to go to sleep at the specified time?

Now you know when and how long your child should sleep. But what do you do if you don’t want to go to bed?

The following recommendations can help you:

  • If your child is still a baby, they shouldn’t be awake for more than three hours straight. Look out for certain signs. If they rub their eyes or even cry, they are likely tired and you should put them to sleep.
  • Would you like your child to sleep longer at night between 4 and 5 months ? Try to always light the nursery during the day. Background noise (e.g. music) is also helpful. You shouldn’t turn the lights on at night even when your child is awake. Try to be as quiet as possible.
  • Children between the ages of 3 and 4  can enjoy a warm bath before going to bed. You can also make a habit of reading them a story. You should repeat the same routine every day and always get your child to bed at the same time.
  • From the age of 7, you should make sure that your child does not use any screen devices (television, mobile phone or tablet) for some time before going to bed. This activates the brain and the child may have difficulty falling asleep. Having a glass of warm milk before bed can help you sleep.

Bedtime for Children: When to Sleep Babies.

Pay close attention to your child’s sleeping habits. If you feel that your child is sleeping too much or too little, or maybe having trouble falling asleep, don’t hesitate to ask your pediatrician for advice.

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