Being A Single Parent: A Difficult But Wonderful Experience

Raising a child alone doesn’t mean the end of the world. There are many mothers and fathers who want it that way. Others face this challenge after a partnership has broken up or a loved one is no longer with them.
Being a single parent: a difficult but wonderful experience

There are several reasons, but one thing we need to be clear about: Being a single parent is a complex experience, but it can also be the best of our lives.

It is true that until recently, being a single parent was not considered a good thing. But that has changed in the meantime. There are also those who specifically choose to raise a child on their own. Whatever the motivations, being a single parent is becoming more common.

On the other hand, there are many who have been left alone with this task by this one person who was everything and who swore eternal love to us. And then pregnancy came. A moment that only the brave can understand. Only those who see responsibility and love as a foundation of trust. Who face it and do not feel it as compulsion, but act out of free desire, hope and happiness.

It is not our intention here to explore the reasons why a mother (and sometimes a father) feels obliged to assume both roles. Today in I am Mother” we would like to talk to you about strategies that will help you in your daily life to achieve what you already know: Be stronger than you think possible and experience what will be the best phase of your life .

The truth about what it’s like to be a single parent

The truth about what it’s like to raise a child on your own is: It’s hard. It is possible for others to see a brave woman, a mother who always wears a smile on her face when she rushes from here to there with her child. Inside, however, there is much that one is constantly worrying about.

Single parent - mother with two children

The constant fear of not making it

A single mother gives the best for her baby or children. She is happy when she sees her little ones resting peacefully in their beds. However, if she goes to bed herself and lies down to calm down, it is very possible that she wakes up more than once with a suffocating sensation in her chest.

  • The fear and the fear are there … What if I can’t do everything on my own? What if I should be terminated? Do I have to ask my parents for help again? How does my manager react if my child falls ill again?
  • These thoughts and fears are normal and any single mother will have them more than once. But every day is different and can bring incredible things with it.

    The obligation to be mother and father at the same time

    A common mistake that single parents make: they think they need to fulfill both roles at the same time.

    • We have to be clear about something very simple: for our children we are all rolled into one. There is no need to take on the classic role of the father who goes to work or the mother who is responsible for the household. Let us accept that women and men alike can do all kinds of tasks.
    • We can be their confidants and leaders. At the same time, we are the ones who set boundaries, say what is right and what is wrong and give them all our love … We are all rolled into one.

    Single parent - mother bathes children

    A single mother also needs a social life

    A mother who raises her child alone runs the risk of limiting all of her actions, feelings, thoughts and fears to her child and of forgetting about herself in the process. 

    • We need brief moments of relaxation so that our life does not end in depression.
    • Allow your family to help you. Every now and then, relax and accept the help of others.
    • Build a good network of friends. People with whom you can switch off emotionally, with whom you laugh and share experiences.

    Don’t be afraid to get to know other people or even possible partners. Being a single mom doesn’t mean you can’t fall in love all over again.

    The missing father figure and how we should talk about it with our children

    Sooner or later, our child will ask about the father or mother. It is important – especially for one’s emotional well-being – not to stir up hatred, but also not to fall into an “idealization”. 

    • Children need sincerity and, above all, that emotional calm in which they do not develop feelings of hatred early on.
    • Let’s instill maturity and balance and teach our child that the two of us are a good team.

    Single parent - mother with daughter

    In conclusion, it can be said that it is by no means easy to raise a child on your own. It’s a big challenge. With devotion we build a unique bond with our children and we should be proud of that.

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