Breastfeeding – A Wonderful Way To Love

In the imagination, breastfeeding is an enormous joy, as the smell, heartbeat, warmth and voice of the mother accompany the baby as it feeds.
Breastfeeding - a wonderful way to love

Breastfeeding is a crucial decision that affects not only the woman but the baby as well. Everything that has to do with breastfeeding is not only interesting, but also incredibly beautiful.

Of course, while we could describe the techniques, postures, milk types, the nutrients breastfeeding provides, the complications, the immune system benefits, etc., in this article we are talking about the gesture and feeling of love that accompanies breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding a baby is a wonderful form of love. Why? Because all selfishness disappears and caring for the baby comes first. By worrying about his or her diet, we encourage ourselves and overcome the fear of sacrificing ourselves for the health and well-being of the baby.

Breastfeeding is not only a process that involves a number of hormones (such as oxytocin), it is also a process of reflection, of paying attention to yourself and the baby at the same time. You could say that this is one of the first ways mother and child communicate non-verbally.

Laura Gutman confirms in her book “Motherhood and Encountering Your Own Shadow” that breastfeeding is the moment when we realize how love works.

Das Stillen - Mutter beim Stillen

To breastfeed without pressure, we need to understand that it doesn’t matter how long or how often we breastfeed. Mother and child will understand each other. One day his head is higher, another day your arm is lower, and at some point you have to stop breastfeeding because you feel uncomfortable.

The idea of ​​breastfeeding is not just about providing food, but also an affective livelihood. This is a very important point. If we think about it, set goals, and expect a certain suckling reflex from our baby, we will only make the first step to breastfeed more difficult.

As is well known , the World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding up to the sixth month of life and additionally up to the second year of life. So mother and child have enough time to get to know each other, to love and to spend time together.

Breastfeeding is a necessity

The baby needs its mother just as the mother needs her baby. It is extremely important that love is more important than technology when breastfeeding, because it will be the first affective impression that characterizes the relationship with our child (s).

In the event that we cannot breastfeed our baby, we should pay attention to his facial expressions, gestures, touches and noises. These small gestures are the first forms of communication and in them we find the incarnation of innocence. In addition, we can marvel at the wonder of life.

Das Stillen - Mutter mit Baby

It is important that we have warm, unrestricted and voluntary contact with the baby when breastfeeding. Without hurry and without stress, because we not only produce milk for the child, but also give him love in this first phase of life.

The mother is always the child’s favorite haven and special emotional support. So we should enjoy this because it’s absurd not to breastfeed just because the child has already eaten or it is not time to breastfeed

Love is not a whim, love is an immense feeling that every mother and every child wants. When a baby demands food, it also demands warmth, affection, and refuge, just as the mother does when she hugs her baby.

Babies don’t know how to say: I want your attention, your affection, your warmth, and your closeness. They express this by crying and by the strength of their pull. While this is also a survival strategy, everyone needs affection because they cannot live without it.

Therefore, we should open our eyes and hearts to understand that breastfeeding is, first and foremost, the best way to love.

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