Breastfeeding Reduces Pain After A Caesarean Section

The effects breastfeeding has on post-caesarean pain are not well known. Statistics show that caesarean sections are becoming more common. That is why it is important to know about this topic.
Breastfeeding reduces pain after a caesarean section

Breast milk is the most important and appropriate source of nutrition for infants during the first few months of their life. But it appears that breastfeeding also reduces pain after a caesarean section.

The effects breastfeeding has on post-caesarean pain are not well known. Statistics show that caesarean sections are becoming more common. That is why it is important to know about this topic.

Around 25% of all deliveries in the USA, Canada and Great Britain take place by means of a caesarean section.

Studies show that at least 1 in 5 mothers who have babies this way have chronic pain for more than three months. 

A recent study has shown that breastfeeding can reduce pain after a caesarean section.

How did you know that breastfeeding can reduce pain after a caesarean section?

Pain after a Caesarean section - Pain_after_a_Cesarean section-2The results were obtained after an investigation by Dr. Carmen Alicia Vargas Berenjeno and her colleagues from the Nuertra Senora de Valme University Hospital in Seville.

The examinations included 185 mothers who gave birth by caesarean section in this hospital between January 2015 and December 2016.

To collate the results, the mothers were asked about their breastfeeding behavior and pain after the caesarean section.

First 24-72 hours after the procedure and then again four months later.

87% of mothers breastfed their children. However, only 58% of mothers said they had breastfed their baby for two months or more.

The result of this research was that 23% of mothers who breastfed their babies for two months or less still experienced chronic pain in the wound area for up to four months after the procedure.

This was not the case with mothers who had breastfed for a long time. Only 8% complained of chronic pain. 

Breastfeeding for longer reduces the pain after a caesarean section

The result of this study shows that mothers who breastfeed their baby for at least two months after the procedure are three times less likely to experience chronic pain.

According to Dr. Carmen Vargas “the results indicate that breastfeeding for more than two months after birth can protect the mother from chronic pain after a caesarean section.

The risk of chronic pain triples if you only breastfeed for two months or less. “

It should be noted that 54% of breastfeeding mothers reported suffering from anxiety.

While this study was not designed to identify other relationships, researchers claim that mothers who experience anxiety while breastfeeding are at increased risk of chronic pain.

The team around Dr. Vargas also pointed out other important reasons why a mother should breastfeed her child.

Pain after a caesarean section - Pain after a caesarean section

Breastfeeding against uterine cancer

Research in Australia also confirms that breastfeeding is beneficial for maternal health.

Not only does it protect you from chronic pain, but it also reduces your risk of developing uterine cancer.

According to another study by the Berghofer Medical Institute in Brisbane, Australia , breastfeeding for more than six months can reduce the risk of uterine cancer. 

Studies in the US, Canada, Europe, China, and Australia show that many factors increase your risk for this type of cancer. Some examples are age, medication use, menopause, and BMI.

The scientists also observed that women who breastfeed their children developed some kind of natural protection against uterine cancer that reduced the risk of the disease.

Breastfeeding has many benefits, not only for your child, who will receive all the nutrients they need to grow into a healthy adult, but also for you.

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