Calm Down When Changing Diapers

Changing diapers can be a real challenge for parents. Here are 5 tips to help calm your baby down and make the task a little easier.
Calm down when changing diapers

As your baby grows, it becomes more active and independent. By the time he is about 6 months old, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep him still to change diapers.

When your baby starts crawling, the world becomes a fascinating place. Suddenly they just want to play and discover.

Maybe that’s why they start kicking and screaming when you try to hold them quiet while trying to change diapers. This behavior is completely normal and is indeed a positive sign.

It makes it a lot harder, however, especially compared to how it was when your baby was smaller.

5 diaper changing strategies

Do not worry! This is only one phase in your child’s development. Here are some strategies to help you change diapers.

Give them a toy

Babies discover the world around them by playing. A great way to keep them occupied while you change their diaper is to give them a toy to play with.

change diapers

Make sure to choose a toy that will distract them for a few minutes while you change diapers. Small toys such as bath toys are ideal for this.

Have everything ready

Having everything in its place is a key factor in making everyday life less stressful. In fact, it has been proven that messy households are more frightening and make us less efficient in performing certain tasks.

Therefore, when it comes to changing diapers, try to have everything in one place.

It is best to have a bag or basket with wet wipes, diapers, and other items that you will need to change your diapers.

Keeping everything together makes it easier for you to take it with you, for example when you go out.

This set will be of great help if your child doesn’t want to stay on the changing table.

Be patient

Sometimes, when we want to get things done quickly and our baby doesn’t go along with it, we quickly become stressed and tense.

This stress makes us in a bad mood and, like it or not, we pass this feeling on to our baby. That can turn even a small task like changing diapers into a real battle.

Patience and calm are always the best approaches, not just for changing diapers, but for all other aspects of childcare and parenting as well.

Take things slowly and steadily – this will make changing diapers a breeze.

Talk to your baby

Communication with your child is very important. You’ve probably talked to your baby when it was still in the womb.

Even though it’s a few months old now, your words still have a calming effect. Talk to your baby gently as you change diapers and tell him / her what you are doing.

Change diapers: clean up

For example, you can tell your child that their diaper is dirty and that you need to change that.

Talking to your baby will calm and keep them busy. Little by little you begin to understand the need for this routine, which lasts a maximum of 5 minutes.

Give them time and space

If your baby is playing or watching TV, he or she probably won’t want to stop when you want to change diapers.

Sometimes you can switch them without interrupting their activities. Either wait a few minutes or change them right where it is.

In certain situations it helps to be flexible so that you can get things done quickly and efficiently.

Step by step, you will develop your own methods to convince your baby that changing diapers is not that bad after all.

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