Calming Techniques Against Crying

Soothing a crying baby is a very difficult task at times. When our babies start crying and nothing seems to calm them down, we worry.
Techniques for calming down against crying

There are parents out there who recommend some of the best techniques, but using them properly is important if you are to help your baby stop crying. If your baby is crying, something is bothering him. Getting your baby’s signals right is not easy.

It’s often difficult to tell if you’re hungry, tired, bored, want to play, or in pain … There are many options.

Therefore, today at I am a mother, we would like to introduce you to some tried and tested tips for calming the little ones.

The 7 best techniques to stop crying

Rock your baby

Babies love to be in their mother’s arms – it’s their nature. It is important to gently rock, cuddle, and whisper sweet words in your baby’s ear as he slowly calms down.

This contact between mother and baby will remind your child of the security they felt in your tummy.

Go for a walk or drive

Many parents recommend taking a walk to calm the baby down. A good idea is to put your baby in the stroller and walk around the neighborhood or even just around the house.

This movement will help calm your baby’s nerves. For some parents, it works better if they take their child with them in the car. It’s a good distraction.

Spa treatment: massage your baby

Baby gets a massage

One of the best ways to soothe a crying baby is with a massage. If your baby is crying heartbroken, gently massage their stomach and back.

One reason your baby may tear may be gas pain. If that is the case, a gentle stomach massage may suffice.

It is helpful to get your baby used to massage by making it a routine. For example, massaging your baby just before or after a bath can help your baby get used to massages.

Let someone else try it

Maybe you’ve rocked your baby back and forth to no avail. You cuddled, rocked, but nothing seems to work. In that case, it may be time to let someone else take over.

Our little ones can sense when we are tense. So, have someone else hold your baby for a while. This way, both you and your baby will find peace and quiet.

The washing machine technology

The washing machine is often used by many parents. If nothing seems to calm your baby and his tears seem endless, put him on his baby swing in the laundry room.

Many parents swear by the hissing and purring noise of the washing machine is great for soothing anxious babies.

Take off your baby

Your baby’s clothes could be responsible, or your baby could have colic. If you think your baby’s clothes may be the cause of their mood, take off their clothes and diaper and let them feel free.

It might feel a lot more comfortable that way and the crying will go away.


Soothe eating baby

One of the main reasons babies cry uncontrollably is because they want to tell us that they are hungry. When you feed your baby, he will feel the warmth of your body and your heartbeat.

Your baby enjoys the security in your arms and the rhythm of your movements. And of course your child will be much better off if his / her stomach is filled with milk or formula.

If none of the tips work, skin-to-skin contact may also help.

Rock it in your arms or put it in an ergonomic baby carrier suitable for your baby’s age and development. This will remind your baby of the months they spent in your womb.

You can also wrap your child in a blanket or towel to simulate the in-utero experience.

Something you should never do is give your child some type of sedative or infusion as it could be harmful. Don’t let yourself be overwhelmed either.

If you can’t calm down, your baby won’t be able to calm down either. Also, don’t scold your baby, because that will only make him cry.

Also, never ignore your little one. Ignoring your baby’s tears will only make the crying worse. In fact, studies show that “holding out” and “screaming” can cause long-term damage.

Use these great techniques when your baby is crying and save yourself a lot of stress. Remember that your baby wants to communicate with you, and crying is one of the most effective ways to do this.

If after trying these techniques you still cannot calm your baby or you notice that your baby is in pain, don’t hesitate to call the pediatrician or see a doctor.

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