Causes Of Vomiting In Babies

When the baby is vomiting, parents often worry. However, vomiting in babies isn’t always an indication of something serious. Below are some of the most common causes of vomiting in babies.
Causes of Vomiting in Babies

If you are wondering the cause of vomiting in babies, know that there are a number of possible causes.

Vomiting in babies is not uncommon in the first week of life. This is normal as your little one is only just getting used to breastfeeding or feeding. In addition, your baby’s body is still developing, of course.

Below are some of the most common causes of vomiting in babies. They range from indigestion to long screaming and coughing to nausea after long drives.

Vomiting in Babies: The Most Common Causes

Problems with feeding

In the first few months of life, vomiting in babies is usually associated with feeding problems. If your baby drinks too much milk at once, he or she may vomit.

Another far less common cause of vomiting in babies is a possible allergy to the proteins found in breast milk or in baby food.

Viral or bacterial infections

Constipation and respiratory problems, especially coughing, can in many cases lead to vomiting in babies.

The mucus that builds up in colds can also become a nuisance in your baby’s windpipe, causing nausea.

Vomiting in babies can have a number of causes

Excessive screaming

Prolonged crying is a common cause of vomiting in babies. If this is the case and your baby is not showing any further symptoms, then there is nothing to worry about.

Travel sickness in the car

When you make long car journeys, travel sickness can be responsible for vomiting in babies.

It comes from the fact that there is no connection between what the baby sees and how his body moves.


Another possible cause of vomiting in babies is if a poisonous substance is ingested. Most often this happens with medicines, plants, and cosmetics.

Certain foods and contaminated water can also cause poisoning in a baby’s body.

If you suspect that your baby or toddler has poisoned themselves and they are showing further symptoms, you should definitely call the emergency doctor and then the poison control center.


Sudden and persistent vomiting in babies can be a sign of various illnesses, including constipation.

If your baby is vomiting in large amounts, is not eating well, and has other symptoms, you should see a pediatrician.

Vomiting does not usually last very long in babies. Most of the time it is not a sign of serious illness and does not require treatment.

However, you should make sure that your child is always getting enough fluids. If your baby looks healthy and their weight is within the normal range, you needn’t worry.

When should i see a doctor?

In rare cases, vomiting in babies can be a sign of a serious illness. You should take your child to the doctor if you experience any of these symptoms along with vomiting:

  • Signs of dehydration: dry mouth, no tears when crying, less urine than usual.
  • Fever.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Persistent vomiting that lasts more than 12 hours or occurs very frequently.
  • Strange rash.
  • Fatigue or irritability.
  • Swollen abdomen.
  • Abnormal substances in the vomit, such as blood or bile. Bile gives the vomit a greenish tinge.

Vomiting in babies shouldn't be accompanied by other symptoms

Vomiting in Babies: What Should I Do?

  • Make sure you are hydrated. When your baby vomits, he or she loses much-needed fluids. That is why the supply of water is important to replace the lost fluids . Avoid artificial juices and soft drinks. If your baby is dehydrated, ask your pediatrician how best to keep him hydrated.
  • Watch your baby’s diet. If your baby is already eating solid foods, avoid sweets and other foods that may be irritating. Liquids, grains, and other easily digestible foods can be slowly reintroduced.
  • Make sure your baby gets plenty of rest. Sleep is the best medicine and will calm your baby down. As the baby sleeps, their bowels emptied, which can automatically reduce vomiting. Always stay around to help your baby if they vomit while they sleep.

While vomiting in babies can be a scary thing for parents to do, there is usually nothing to be alarmed about. Take the above steps to help your baby’s body return to normal.

If symptoms persist or your baby starts acting abnormally, you should see a doctor.

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