Children Help Around The House

You’ve probably heard before that it is good for your children to help out around the house. That’s true! We explain to you why and how you can get involved in the household.
Children help in the household

Household help is the beginning of a fundamental lesson for your children : the ability to be independent. If they are routine and fundamentally responsible for certain tasks, your children can grow up safely, be independent, and be able to achieve their goals.

Experts also confirm that helping children at home with chores that are appropriate for their age and ability is very helpful.

Benefits of household help

There are many benefits to having your child help you with small household chores.

  • Promotes self-esteem. Knowing that they are able to do household chores makes them feel happier. Thus you strengthen their self-confidence.
  • Promotes independence. Self-employment must be one of the goals of raising children. Raising children who are able to face life’s challenges without relying on anyone else is particularly important.

    Housework: family

    • Teaches responsibility. Responsibility is the ability to face what lies before us without delegating it to others, fleeing or giving up.
    • Promotes teamwork. Children learn to work in a team and to work together. Knowing how to get things done as a team is beneficial to them. Together you can achieve more and better.
    • Brings order and hygiene. Knowing the need to have an orderly and clean home is important. Tidiness in the house can help organize ideas. It’s about establishing basic rules for living together in order to have a home of their own in the future.
    • Develops the ability to help others. Working together, the children understand that these tasks are everyone’s responsibility, not just their mother or father. Your child will be comfortable after helping the rest of the family.

    How to teach your children to work together around the house

    There are a number of tips for teaching collaboration through homework.

    1. Don’t be bossy. The goal is to get your children to internalize the discipline and responsibility of doing chores. When you boss him or her around, it becomes an obligation and thereby something your child doesn’t want to do. Suggest task sharing and collaboration.
    2. Create a task table. Everyone does the assigned tasks that are appropriate to their age and ability.
    3. Help when you need to. Avoid doing the chores for her. Teach them to do the chores. Either you both do it or you are there while your child does it alone.
    4. Don’t yell at them or criticize them. Don’t look for perfection, look for habits. Little by little, your child will improve, but you have to be patient. Therefore, you shouldn’t incite or impose anything on them. Your child will reach their own perfection.
    5. Reward efforts. You have to appreciate the help given. Don’t forget that saying “well done” is more empowering than saying something wasn’t done right.

    Age-appropriate tasks

    You shouldn’t always assign the same tasks. You have to choose specific tasks as your child grows up.

    Remember, the more your child sees it as a game, the better they’ll work together. Develop a system of prizes that can be awarded when the assignments are completed. It is an infallible method.

    Small children (2-3 years)

    • Put the dirty diapers in the trash
    • Pick up the toy
    • Put the dirty clothes in the washing machine
    • Feed the pet
    • Go to the bathroom alone
    • Try to dress yourself

    4-6 year old children

    • Clean up the room
    • Trying to make that bed
    • Fold up the clothes

    Help in household

    7-10 year old children

    • watering plants
    • Wash the dishes
    • Make the bed alone
    • Help with cleaning: sweeping, dusting, etc.

    Young teenagers (10-12 years old)

    • Load the washing machine
    • Help with cooking and washing up
    • Bring out the garbage

    The sooner you teach your children to help around the house, the sooner he / she will learn that things won’t happen by themselves. Hence your help is necessary.

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