Children Who Grow Up With Their Grandparents Are More Confident And Happier

But that doesn’t mean that our children are less happy when they grow up without their grandparents being around .  However, childhood is the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity when greater numbers of stimuli, attention, and relationships based on unconditional love lead to greater and greater emotional maturity.

Another aspect that many of our readers might be interested in is that, according to a study, children who are left with their grandparents instead of a day care center acquire greater language skills and are emotionally more secure.

Of course, not all couples have their parents around to foster this “grandparent-grandchildren” relationship. However, if you can, don’t hesitate to support this relationship. Let your children grow up with their grandparents . Your child should enjoy this relationship every day. Childhood is a stage that ends quickly. It is therefore important to use this relationship so that our children can develop stronger and happier personalities. Just as we benefited from this positive relationship in our day.

And as we already know,  grandparents have an infinite amount of love to give. They have  magic in their pockets and the always ready and distinctive smile that brings out the best in our children.

From the age of 3, children benefit more from growing up with their grandparents

Growing up with grandparents - Bambino moonlight

In the first 3 years a child needs to be close to mother and father. It is this first social and affective circle of all babies that strengthens their brain development and social bonds.

Once our child starts interacting with the environment, playing, walking, touching everything and starts talking, the presence of grandparents is an incredible asset.

Children who grow up with their grandparents have better  communicative and emotional development

Granted, grandparents have incredible energy. They see grandchildren as a way to rejuvenate themselves by taking on a new role they love. They become providers of affection, stories, candy, unexpected gifts, and long walks in the park at a snail’s pace.

  • Gone are the days when they made rules and regulations. This is not grandpas and grandma’s job and they don’t want them back either.
  • You don’t want the authority of your parents. Your upbringing is a benevolent and holistic upbringing that smells like vanilla. It’s as warm as spring afternoons and has the taste of children’s favorite foods.
  • They stimulate our children’s language skills. And as we have already mentioned, that is not the case in a day-care center.
  • Grandparents are constantly interacting with the children. Almost without knowing it  , they become powerful architects of their communication skills.

They leave a lasting emotional impression on children

Growing up with grandparents - drawing grandmother and granddaughter

In this world of rush, full of chaotic moments and obligations for mothers and fathers, grandparents have an extraordinary advantage. You live without pressure and you can enjoy the “here and now”.

  • Something we cannot forget is that today’s grandparents are still young in spirit. You are in good physical shape and willing to experiment. You are ready to move on and gain new experiences.
  • Their life taught them what is important. They know that the inheritance they offer their grandchildren goes beyond material goods. The most important thing is to provide them with wonderful positive emotional support.
  • Children and grandparents live at the same pace. They appreciate the moment like no one else. The “here and now”, when you can see an insect crawling over a flower, how the raindrops fall against the window or how a piece of chocolate melts in a cup of hot milk.

Everything is magical. They share all the moments in wonderful complicity that enables children to have a unique learning experience. Simple happiness, nothing artificial, without untruths.

Beloved children are happier and more confident

That is the key and the secret to it. Children who are loved, valued, and respected become happier because they develop good self-concept and self-esteem.

Grandparents will contribute to this development as long as they are solid, optimistic people and, with wisdom and poise, are able to kindle the hearts of those around them.

So do not hesitate if your parents are made of this material: out of warm affection and infinite love. Foster that relationship, and those daily moments when grandparents and grandchildren share details, anecdotes, and stories they’ll never forget.

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