Coronavirus: Ideas For Spending Time With The Children At Home

The measures to stop the coronavirus from spreading too quickly also include that the population should stay at home if possible. So you probably have a long time ahead of you with the kids at home. How can you best organize your everyday life? And what can you do together? Here are a few tips!
Coronavirus: ideas for spending time with the kids at home

Given the current situation, governments in numerous countries are taking measures to limit the spread of COVID-19. This includes, for example, the closure of schools and kindergartens and also the request or, depending on the country, the order to stay at home. Inevitably, in the face of this situation, all parents find themselves faced with the same challenge: What do I do with the children at home?

Because a time is heralding in which the family routines will completely change. Children and young people cannot go to school and some parents have the option to switch to working from home, as well as those who continue to have to leave the house to go to work.

Of course, this situation brings with it all kinds of logistical problems. But there is also: extracurricular activities and even trips to the park may be canceled.

All of this is undoubtedly complicated and represents a great challenge for everyone involved. Therefore, in this article we want to give you a few ideas and tips for this time. Especially at home with the children . This advice is intended to help you survive this phase as a family in the best possible way.

Coronavirus: What do I do with the children at home?

Organization of the new everyday life

First of all, it is very important that you create an organization for this new everyday life. This will of course be a little different for each family. But maybe it helps to remember how to get along during the vacation seasons and to focus on the things that work well during the vacation as well.

Playing with the children

Think about how many hours your kids will be without you or your partner. Then analyze whether they can really stay home alone. Here, of course, their age, their maturity and their previous experience play a role. If your children cannot be alone for that long, you will need to find another adult, if possible, to take responsibility for their care during this time.

At home with the children: routine is important

Is also particularly important following: The children must understand that this is not a vacation and that everyday life with its routines must go on, albeit in a slightly different way so you should try. Regular times for going to bed, getting up, meals, etc. to adhere to. This new everyday life with the children at home should be as similar as possible to what your little ones had before.

In general, fixed routines ensure stability. They also help you to be more productive and that’s an important point too. Because the school continues to take place, with the help of technological and computer-aided means. At the same time it is of course necessary to find a balance to learning. Otherwise the children will suffer a lot from this extraordinary situation.

Establish clear learning times

For the reasons just mentioned, it is important that children devote some of their time each day to study and homework. Many educational institutions take on this task by giving the children exercises and homework. They send these to their teachers via the Internet.

This approach is particularly the case with secondary schools. However, elementary school children may not receive the same guidance. Then it is necessary for the parents to help them organize a study plan. A good way to do this is to spend the morning doing homework and then devoting the afternoon to free time.

Time for free time and also for time together with the children

Leisure activities are particularly limited during this time. Because you can hardly or not at all leave the house with the children. On the other hand, maybe now is an excellent time for things that are otherwise neglected: For example, all the toys that the children never or hardly play with because they don’t have the time. And of course: to spend time together as a family.

Girl plays at home

So you can watch movies together, play board games, or just chat, paint, or do other creative activities … All of these things are good. After all, the presence and attention of their parents is one of the best gifts for the little ones.

You can also suggest that your children do the housework. Best of all, something that is a bit of fun and that the whole family can participate in. Even mopping the floors together can be quite entertaining, or cooking together.

You should also try to get the children out in the sun and fresh air as much as possible. So if you have a garden or patio this is great. But if not, you can make sure that they at least read a book on the balcony or by the window.

And last but not least, you have to keep in mind that the little ones cannot see their friends for many days. Fortunately , the new technologies here allow them to stay in touch at least through video calls or online games.

Remember: it’s not forever

Most importantly, remember that all of this is a temporary situation and try to stay calm and optimistic. After all, there is rarely the opportunity to spend so much time with loved ones. And you should appreciate that too!

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