Couples Who Are Afraid Of Marriage

The fear of marriage is something that often happens to couples as the wedding date approaches and the trouble of planning a wedding begins to weigh on partners. But that’s not the only reason. The couple’s current situation or comments from people around them are other factors that can have an impact.  
Couples who are afraid of marriage

The fear of marriage is more common among couples than we think. Preparing and putting a wedding together can be stressful and overwhelming. Sometimes you might even want to cancel it because there are so many different things to look out for.

But today’s article isn’t about the normal fear any engaged couple might have as the wedding date approaches. Instead, we want to talk about the fear of marriage that some couples face for no apparent reason when they start thinking about marriage.

Although the fact of getting married is, in and of itself, nothing more than a legal obligation, in many cases it is feared that marriage is a loyal obligation.

The influence of your surroundings

Not infrequently, the fear of marriage is influenced by social factors. In other words, the people around you can influence you with their fears.

How many times have you heard someone say, “As soon as you are married, your whole life will be different.”  And as if that wasn’t enough, this sentence is often followed by the following: “And you will regret it.”

This is just one way to negatively affect the engaged couple’s thoughts. As a result, the engaged couple may fear losing certain parts of their current life.

The most important thing is to ignore these types of comments. There are couples who split up after getting married for various reasons. But there are many others who have found their relationship stronger after getting married.

You must not fall into the negative thoughts that everything will be bad, least of all because of the statements of people around you. Getting married was often the cause of “jokes and laughter” from friends.

The fear of marriage can manifest itself in the form of a phobia called gamophobia

Fear of marriage: gamophobia

This type of fear of marriage can manifest itself in the form of a phobia called gamophobia. Gamophobia is made up of two Greek words:

  • the Greek word gamos , which means marriage
  • and the Greek word phobos , which means fear or phobia

If this fear manifests itself in the form of a phobia, it has to do with worry. Sometimes external help is needed to overcome them. Especially when a person’s mental health is compromised.

Fear, obsession, and impulsive actions are common symptoms that can result from this type of phobia.

The game of feelings

Psychology and thoughts play a fundamental role in overcoming this fear. We will come back to these two factors when discussing the fear of marriage in relation to the emotions.

Fear of marriage because of your current situation

First and foremost, the current living conditions play a role – for example, if you have no financial or professional stability or a lease for an apartment, etc.

All of these factors can lead you to believe that the other person doesn’t want this type of life. Or maybe you think your life is such a “disaster” that you’d rather not share it with another person.

However, you should recognize and understand that your partner  accepts the instability that you believe is in your life.

The most important thing for a couple is to talk about all questions and problems from the beginning and to answer and clarify them in order to avoid future problems in this way.

Your feelings can make you fear marriage

Second, feelings come into play, such as past situations that can cause harm to a person. There are several times when a previous relationship hurt someone and the person concerned is afraid to commit again. She is afraid that she will suffer the same way again.

Your feelings can make you fear marriage

This type of fear is far more common than you might think. It can be the number one cause of marriage fear. In many cases the solution is more complicated than you might think. But you have to learn to understand that a relationship doesn’t always have to be bad, on the contrary. Life often just puts obstacles in our way so that we can truly appreciate what we have in the present.

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