Empower Your Child To Defend Themselves Against Teasing!

Child teasing may seem insignificant or normal at first glance. In fact, it can have a huge impact on psychological development. This is precisely why we need to teach our children how to deal with teasing at an early age.
Empower your child to defend themselves against teasing!

The reason for this behavior is often found in ignorance and a lack of compassion. A teasing can therefore also be very brutal. How often someone teases or is teased varies.

When children are confronted with something they don’t know, they often make fun of it. Basically, they think that’s the best way to deal with it.

Factors that can affect a teasing 

  1. The age of the child
  2. Family support
  3. Family values
  4. The child’s social skills
  5. The presence or absence of teachers
  6. The behavior of the respective teachers in the class
  7. How a new student is introduced to the class


The science of the effects of teasing

It has been proven that humiliation has massive effects on the brain. The consequences of this are more serious than those of emotions such as joy and anger.

A group of scientists from the University of Amsterdam has investigated this. They wanted to know exactly how exposure and teasing work.

They chose a group and read them a few stories. Meanwhile, participants should put themselves in the shoes of the main characters in the story. So they could feel how they fared.

Humiliation activates areas in the brain that are related to the sensation of pain. This is why scientists assume that humiliation is literally painful. Just as it is physically painful.

How can your child deal with teasing?

It is the parents’ job to find out what exactly is going on. After that, the best options to trade should be selected. 

What is the cause of the teasing? How does the child react to it? And finally, how can you help your child? In such a way that it can deal with it in a healthy way.
You have to answer these questions. This is the only way to solve the problem quickly and sustainably.

The following is also important: You need to know if your child is being teased or is annoying and bullying others.

Children need to be empowered to respond appropriately to teasing. This will help them to get to the root of the problem and disarm the children who behave in this way.

Taking away the desired reaction from the teasing will make them bored. And so they will stop doing it too.


What we should never do is label our children as “cowards” or “crybugs”. That in no way makes them stronger, nor does it solve the problem. The best thing is to show them respect, love and understanding. 

As soon as a child opens up to us and shares a problem,  our compassion is needed. It is also helpful for them that we open up and talk about ourselves. This gives them a sense of security and shows them that they are not alone with their situation.

We should emphasize the opportunity of the situation and let our child know that we will definitely find a solution. 

Important advice:

  1. Never fuel a violent act.
  2. When it comes to minor teasing, we should teach our children to ignore the aggressors. Because that makes them tired.
  3. However, if the teasing is serious, then you should call in the school management and teachers. You then also have to intervene, because it is important to come to a solution quickly.
  4. We should also teach our children to be respectful of everyone. This will help you face any teasing yourself.
  5. Once we know what’s going on,  we have to support our children unconditionally. We need to make them feel supported and loved.
  6. There is something positive in everything and every situation is an opportunity to learn. We should also think about this aspect.  

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