How Do Children Learn To Share? 4 Tips

Sharing means, for example, lending things to friends or offering food to others. But it’s not just about material things: feelings can also be shared! 
How do children learn to share?  4 tips

It is very important to learn what sharing means in childhood. The best way to learn this is by dealing with others and through exemplary role models. Then you will find 4 tips to help your  children learn to share .  

How does an only child learn to share?

It doesn’t have to be that way, but sharing is often not a matter of course for only children, as they are always the focus from birth. But  only children have to learn what it means to be generous and to share things with others. 

Teach your child the importance of helping others. Invite them to take on minor household responsibilities. When your child gets candy, show them how nice it is to share them with others.

Pocket money can also be shared, for example when the child invites you to an ice cream or buy you a small present.

Teaching children to share

Don’t force your child to share

If you want children to share, don’t force them to share. They then often react in exactly the opposite way and do not learn how important and beautiful sharing is. 

If your child doesn’t want to give their friends their favorite car, you can’t give it to them or even take it out of hiding. That would be a breach of trust and your child could react with anger.

Talk to your child about the situation. Explain how others feel and remind them of similar situations in which they felt bad about themselves.

Your child needs to learn how nice it is to see the joy of others when they share things with them. But if all of this doesn’t help, you shouldn’t force your child to share! 

It just takes more time. But do not worry, it will achieve its goal.

How do children learn to share best? Setting a good example

Parents are the most important caregivers for children, so they should set a good example. If your child sees that you enjoy sharing things with others and that it is fun, they will imitate you. 

Your child sees you as their best teacher. So don’t be selfish or possessive. You can also learn a lot from this, because after all, it is not always easy to be a good role model. 

If the items are valuable and fragile, put your child on the bed to avoid accidents. Your child should be able to look at it, touch it, hold it and explore it. It appears that you share a precious treasure with him.

Share the good feelings too

How do children learn to share?

Sharing means, for example, lending things to friends or offering food to others. But it’s not just about material things: feelings can also be shared! 

Hugs, loving words, cuddles, praiseā€¦. all of these acts of expressing loving feelings should be shared.

Your child should know what love means and what makes people want to share their affection with others. For example, it can learn to exchange hugs or kisses when someone says goodbye or when you want to wish others good.

Also, being able to convey positive messages to make others happy is a way of sharing. Everything that is good for you should also be shared with other people in your immediate vicinity.

At the same time, your child must learn to never support the bad deeds of others and not be influenced by them.

When children learn to share, they have a nicer, more fulfilling life!

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