How Long Do Children Need An Afternoon Nap?

Many parents wonder what age children should be napping after eating. Every child is different and has different needs. There are also several factors to consider. Find out more about it afterwards. 
How long do children need an afternoon nap?

Many parents are unsure and do not know how long children  need an afternoon  nap. In this case, however, no standard answer is possible, because every child is different and has different needs.

Not only is age a decisive factor, the daily  activities and maturity of the child also play a role. 

However, there are averages that are used as a guide. Because most children abandon the habit of napping at a certain stage of development. 

Typically, babies in the first year of life take 5 to 6 naps a day. Between 15 and 18 months, most need two shorter naps. However, many do not want to  go to sleep after eating before their second birthday. 

However, the average age at which  children no longer need an afternoon nap is 3 to 4 years. As mentioned earlier, every child has different needs. In addition, the quality and duration of sleep at night also play an important role.

It is important to remember  that children need an average of 12-14 hours of sleep. If you rest for less than 12 hours during the night, for example because you are going to the crèche or kindergarten, then you should also have a siesta after lunch.

The little ones can benefit a lot and recharge their batteries!

The afternoon nap has many advantages for children

A short break after eating has numerous advantages for the little ones. These include, for example:

  • Better memory
  • Improved psychological and social performance
  • More creativity and imagination
  • Better academic performance
  • More calm and less irritability
  • Improved ability to concentrate
  • Better growth

How long do children need an afternoon nap?

What are the signs that the child is no longer needing a nap?

How can you know when exactly the time has come when the child no longer needs an afternoon nap? The following behaviors can give you more information about this:

  • If he has trouble sleeping after eating because he is not tired. This is  the classic sign that you don’t need to nap anymore.
  • When it takes a long time to fall asleep in the evening.
  • Even if the child has a lot of energy without a nap and is not tired, this is a clear sign that the nap is now superfluous.
  • Even without afternoon nap, it is not irritable and in a good mood and has no sleep problems in the evening. Your  child is now ready to do without naps! 

    The transition phase

    The older the child, the less sleep they need. If they sleep too long during the day, they may have trouble falling asleep in the evening. In that case, it’s time to skip the afternoon nap!

    The transition phase is very easy. There are no precise rules for this, you just stick to the individual needs of the child. Age and activities play an important role in this.

    Some children do without the siesta from the first year of life, others have not even got used to an afternoon nap. However, some children need a transition period during which they take a nap every now and then, but not every day.

    However, it is important that children sleep 12 hours at a time during the night.

    Child is taking a nap

    You shouldn’t force your child

    Unless your child is tired and irritable, you shouldn’t force them to sleep after they eat.

    However, you should worry  if he wakes up with a headache, does not get out of bed in the morning and always gives the impression of being tired. 

    In addition, difficulty concentrating and poor performance can occur. These are often indications that the child is not getting enough sleep. 

    Slowly wean your child off the nap once they are mature enough. Too little sleep could also have health consequences! 

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