How To Get Your Figure Back After Pregnancy!

Cheer up, put an end to prejudices and off in front of the mirror!
How to get your figure back after pregnancy!

Think carefully about what you want to work on, because here we have some advice for you on how to get your figure back in shape after pregnancy – easily at home.

Everyone is “unfinished”, that is an indisputable fact and no matter how old you are or how much you have gained weight you can always work on yourself, both on your appearance and on how you behave and react in certain situations.

There are two things you should know about regaining your figure after pregnancy. For one, yes, the damage pregnancy has done to your body can be repaired with measures that can be taken at home. Second: You cannot achieve your ideal figure with a miracle recipe.

The pills that promise you will lose weight without lifting a finger are nonsense. You have to accept that it is hard work. And in this case it means: sweating to lose weight.

Now that we’ve sorted that out, it’s time to arm yourself, because you will regain your figure after pregnancy through determination, perseverance, good nutrition and a suitable fitness plan. 

The first 8 months after giving birth are the most difficult. Your organs are not yet in their old place and your hormonal balance is not yet in balance. 

On top of that, your metabolism will be slower and you will almost certainly feel very tired. But none of this is a reason to give up! Rather, it helps you to understand where you stand and to start taking small steps to get your old figure back after the pregnancy.

You have gained a bit of weight, and some parts of your body are likely to be limp. It’s all half as wild – we all do it that way and it’s completely natural. Remember that your body has expanded to accommodate the baby who now makes you one of the happiest people in the world.

There is a solution to all of these problems and anything that is a little out of shape now will get back into shape with time, continuity and good habits.

It’s important to understand that getting back to your figure after pregnancy is not a race. It is therefore good and right to approach a fitness routine slowly. Your maxim will be patience and perseverance, because over time you will notice that you feel more energetic the more you are physically active. The result is incredible and it doesn’t matter how tired you are.

Woman goes up the stairs

After pregnancy, train your figure by running

First of all, you should ask your doctor if physical exertion is recommended for you. In theory, any woman can start doing this after the rest of a natural birth. Women who have had a caesarean section can start exercise after 12 weeks. 

You have to give your body time after the birth to allow it to recover. In any case, you should eat healthily and drink plenty of water or take in fluids. Try to move around the house a little while doing this and not sit on the couch all the time, because sitting all the time is not beneficial. Every step counts.

After resting, you can start running. Walking is the best exercise!  Try to go outside, for example in the garden. Fresh air will do you and your baby good too. Start slowly but make an effort. You have to go at a brisk pace. It has to be a challenge for you and you have to sweat!

Measure your figure after pregnancy

Online tutorials for allies

Once your GP gives you the go-ahead for a variety of sports, including weightlifting, get started! You can improvise at home with milk cartons that you fill with water.

Exercising with weights will stimulate your metabolism and help everything come back into place. By walking you train your cardiovascular system, which together with a good diet boosts the fat metabolism. Make an effort to work with weights as this will help burn fat and strengthen muscles.

The ultimate post-pregnancy post-pregnancy exercise – the plank!

There is another wonderful exercise: the plank. It’s great for getting a flat stomach, and you can even do simplified versions on your knees. You can make side planks and planks to the floor, and there are tons of tutorials on YouTube. However, you should not do any other abdominal exercises until 6 months after the birth, this is important!

The best fitness routine is the one that you put together individually, because then you can design it according to your preferences and needs. You can achieve a lot with walking, weights, and sit-ups three times a week.

Little by little you will see that you settle into your rhythm and the more you train, the more energy you will have to work on your figure and to do all the activities that your everyday life requires. 

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