How To Remove Stains From White Clothes

Do you hold onto your favorite items of clothing even though they have stains that don’t seem to be washable? Then read on, because our tips will help you remove stains from white clothes and make them shine again.
How to remove stains from white clothes

There are many ways to remove stains from white clothing, although sometimes it seems like an impossible task. In this article, we’ll show you how to remove these marks quickly and easily.

White clothes are usually delicate. This is especially true if something is spilled on it. This is why it is so important to know how to remove stains from white clothing without destroying it.

With these tricks we will show you how to save all your white clothes in your closet. This way, you can even save the ones you hid in the back of the closet because of their stains.

Many people find it difficult to wash their clothes properly, especially when it comes to white and delicate clothes. For example, when children are painting or having lunch, they often spill the paint or food on their clothes.

How to remove stains from white clothes

Before proceeding with the tips below, it’s important to know that it doesn’t matter how long the clothes have been stained. You can use these tricks to remove the stains very quickly.

1. Baking soda and lemon

Yellow stains on white clothing are especially annoying. They’re common on white shirts, but you can get rid of them with a little baking soda and lemon.

Rub half a lemon over the area where the stain is. Then add the baking soda. Then let the shirt dry outside. Once it’s dry, wash it as you normally would and you will see that it is stain-free!

2. Use bleach or chlorine to remove stains from white clothing

Over time, white clothes begin to turn yellowish. And we all know this doesn’t really look good. However, you can restore the normal color with a little chlorine and water.

Simply mix 1/2 cup of chlorine in 2.5 liters of water. Then soak the clothes in the mixture for 20 minutes. And your white clothes are already shining again! Don’t forget to add some fabric softener too so that things smell nice afterwards.

You can use baking soda and lemon to remove stains from white clothes

3. hydrogen peroxide

A more natural way to remove the yellow hue from clothing is to use hydrogen peroxide. To do this, first mix cold water with hydrogen peroxide. Then soak the clothes in it for 20 minutes before washing them.

However, if your clothes do n’t return to their original color , repeat the process until you get the result you want.

4. Stain remover

If you discover an oil stain on your clothes, using a homemade stain remover is a good solution. You can use vinegar and salt for this, for example.

Another option is baking soda. Because it helps to penetrate deep into the stain. Then add detergent and rub for a few minutes until it foams. Then you simply put the treated garment in the washing machine and wash it as usual.

It is true that stains caused by dirt or oil are difficult to remove. Therefore, you may need special products for these stains. Either way, remember to wash your clothes normally after applying a stain remover.

5. Dishwashing detergent

For this tip, you’ll need dish soap and hydrogen peroxide. Mix two parts hydrogen peroxide with one part liquid laundry detergent. Then you can apply the mixture to the stain.

6. White chalk removes stains from white clothing

This technique is not widely used, but it is very effective because of the properties of white chalk. First, rub the chalk gently over the stain. Then wait about 10 minutes for the properties of the chalk to absorb the stain.

Finally, wash the clothes in cold water. Be careful never to put the item in the dryer, as the stain could get onto your other items of clothing.

7. White wine

It is quite common for red wine to stain clothing. In this case, the best solution is to use a little white wine. This counteracts the red wine and helps to completely remove stains.

You can counteract red wine stains with white wine

Gently dab the stain with a napkin or towel so it doesn’t stretch and spill onto the rest of your clothing. This will then make it easier for you to remove the stain.

With these handy tips on removing stains from white clothes, you can finally wear the clothes you left behind in your closet. Because you can now easily clean the stained clothes when you want to wear them again.

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