Ideal Weight Of A Pregnant Woman – What Does That Mean?

Let’s assume that a woman is at her ideal weight. According to experts, she should gain between 11.5 kg and 16 kg during her pregnancy.
Ideal weight of a pregnant woman - what does that mean?

Many women want to maintain their ideal weight during pregnancy, both for aesthetic and health reasons.

However, the weight a woman should gain during pregnancy varies.

For example, appetite is a variable that can cause weight fluctuations during pregnancy.

Let’s assume that a woman is her ideal weight before pregnancy  . According to experts, she should gain between 11.5 kg and 16 kg during her pregnancy.

However , all women are unique, some gain less weight while others gain up to 18 kg. The most important thing is to give birth to a healthy baby and then return to its pre-pregnancy weight.

Should I put on a kilogram every month?

There is a requirement that pregnant women should gain a pound every month.

If this were true, then they should gain a total of 10 pounds throughout pregnancy. But there are mothers who gain up to 18 kg, which is equivalent to 2 kg per month.

It all depends on the woman’s body as well as daily habits (diet, exercise, etc.).

In addition, if the woman has a physical condition that makes her gain weight to a greater or lesser extent, this also has an impact on how much weight is gained during pregnancy.

Remember, you should never starve yourself. If you long for food, eat. The consumption of sweets and carbohydrates should be done in moderation. As long as you stay healthy, there is nothing to worry about.

You shouldn’t overwhelm yourself with keeping an unrealistic figure.

Ideal weight for pregnant women

Despite the fact that the media and society tend to have negative role models, we shouldn’t allow ourselves to be influenced by them. We have to follow our own rhythm, respect our body and take care of our health.

Pregnant women should under no circumstances stop eating. Getting hungry is completely counterproductive during pregnancy.

If you don’t eat enough, you won’t burn fat and ketone bodies will form. These ketone bodies are toxic to babies and can even damage their nervous systems.

Ideal weight and diet

Remember that it is very important for pregnant women not to restrict their diet. Pregnancy is not the best time to diet. Pregnancy is a moment when women should choose carefully what to eat.

It is recommended to eat plant-based foods such as fruits and vegetables.

Do not eat too much red meat, it should not be eaten more than three times a week! However, white meat is recommended during pregnancy.

It’s also important to consume low-fat dairy products, olive oil, legumes, whole foods like bread, cereals, and rice instead of refined flour. Stay away from junk food.

Pregnant women shouldn’t be too obsessed with gaining weight, nor should they strive to eat less. Nor should it be viewed as a time when women are allowed to gain excess weight.

However, some women take advantage of pregnancy and their increased appetite. They enjoy dishes or recipes that are not recommended for them or their baby.

When people eat more than they use, their adipocytes keep getting bigger, which in turn increases the person’s weight.

Ideal weight for pregnant women

Some claim that you can gain up to 4 kg with one meal. Not only do the adipocytes grow, but new cells are also created.

The more weight a mother takes from overeating, the more difficult it will be to lose that weight after giving birth.

Weight gain per trimester

  1. Little weight is gained in the first trimester of pregnancy. Women should gain between 0.5 and 1.5 kg here. There are women who do not gain weight at all during this time, and there are even some who lose weight through vomiting and nausea.
  2. A weight gain between 3.5 and 4 kg is recommended in the second trimester.
  3. The third trimester is the time of greatest weight gain due to the fact that the fetus is also beginning to gain weight. A weight gain between 5 and 5.5 kg is recommended. That’s about 400 grams per week.

If I don’t eat a lot, will my baby weigh less?

The answer to that question is yes. As a pregnant woman, if you limit your food intake and do not consume any nutrients, your child may weigh less after birth.

Therefore, under no circumstances should pregnant women go hungry.

Over the past few decades, many have thought that pregnant women should eat for two. Surely the woman needs to eat for herself and her baby, but that doesn’t mean that her diet should be taken twice.

As a pregnant woman, if you decide to eat more to have a bigger baby, be aware that you will be the one carrying those extra pounds, not your baby.

Finally, we would like to remind you that the ideal weight does NOT exist. There is no standard that defines how pregnancy should develop. The ideal weight is simply a concept that our society invented.

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