Ideas For Pictures Your Child Has Painted

You will certainly find it difficult to throw away the pictures that no children have drawn. But what to do with it? Here are some great ideas!
Ideas for pictures your child has painted

There is a stage in the kids when they start painting and painting and painting … they become really productive artists! We have therefore put together a few ideas to display the  pictures  accordingly.

The painting phase (which lasts a few years) is followed by learning to read and write. Then there are small notes and letters for each member of the family.

So the little ones also become productive writers! Have you already experienced that? And finally you will find yourself in a veritable mess of paper: There are notes, pieces of paper, pictures and drawings everywhere !

Perhaps you have already asked yourself: What can I do with all the pictures of my child?

Your home – an art gallery

Some of the pictures your child has painted are really beautiful. Or they have a special meaning. As a mother or father, you will certainly find it difficult to just throw them away.

In all honesty: It’s actually difficult to part with even one of the pictures! And then you start sticking the works of art on the fridge or bathroom mirror. Or on the outside of the bedroom door. Then also inside on the bedroom door. And in no time at all, your home has become a (very special) art gallery!

Now it is the case that some of the little ones live out their painterly and literary creativity over several years.

You can then imagine what will happen at home relatively easily. And if you have not just one child, but several, the volume of the pictures will of course multiply!

So there is a problem with the solution of turning your home into a kind of art gallery at a certain point.

On the one hand, the condition of the pictures and drawings deteriorates. You just wanted to receive it. But in the end it doesn’t seem to be possible that way. Because the leaves yellow and become brittle at the edges.

On the other hand, there is another disadvantage: because this type of decoration of your home naturally also affects the rest of the house and its aesthetics. You have to admit, it’s difficult for your home to look neat and tidy in this case.

Because no matter where you look: There are really pictures hanging around everywhere! And these are also glued in a more or less improvised way.

So what can I do with my child’s pictures?

Here we show you some ideas for the pictures your child has painted. So you can keep them in good condition. And the order in your home is not affected.

That does not mean that you no longer display the pictures you love so much. That would be too bad! You will see in a moment: There are always ways to display these special works of art in the house.

Below are plenty of suggestions for what you can do with your child’s pictures and drawings.

You can digitize the pictures

To do this, you simply scan in the pictures and notes of your little ones. This is a great way to have them always present. And you can look at them over and over again.

In addition, they are kept in perfect condition. You can also share them with other family members this way.

Of course, you should back up these files. Because that way you won’t lose them if you have any problems with the computer. Nowadays there are several alternatives for storing information outside of your computer’s hard drive.

Make a book out of it

After scanning, you can print the images on photo paper. And then make a book out of it! All you have to do is have the corresponding sheets bound. There are various ways of doing this. For example, graphic designers can also do this job.

The nice thing about this idea is that you can add your own notes to the pictures. This makes it easier to remember when leafing through the pages later.

For example, you can write something about the situation in which the drawing was made. Or just the date or the name of the child (if you have more than one).

Because over the years it naturally becomes more and more difficult to remember when and who painted the pictures, etc.

Homemade book with drawings

Turn the pictures into placemats

The best way to do this is to select the images that are roughly the same size. Then you have them laminated. And so you can easily use them as individual placemats on the dining table !

Maybe you are one of those mothers who are a little more skilled in their craft. Then you can also make a collage of several pictures on a cardboard box.

You can also add a frame. And then you laminate this compilation. You can also get inspiration from other ideas from the Internet, such as so-called “scrapbooking”.

Frame the pictures

You can also scan and print your child’s pictures and then put a nice frame around them . So you can hang them on the wall. Or put them on a special table.

Of course, you can also have the original framed. Because it is relatively well protected and remains quite well preserved. When you look at these small paintings, you feel like any mother: “The pictures of my child are just beautiful!

Use the pictures as the front page

Another great idea for your child’s pictures: You can digitize them and then use them as the front page or cover of diaries, recipe books or small notebooks.

You can always carry the latter in your handbag. As with the placemats, you can also put together a collage here. Or you just choose a picture.

In both cases, you glue the pictures onto high-quality cardboard. Then you laminate it. Then you have this cover bound together with a pile of white sheets of paper. And you already have the most beautiful and original diary in the world!

In this way you can make notebooks or blocks. Also address books, recipe collections and and and … whatever you want!

Make a memory game out of it

By digitizing the images, you can reduce them all to a standard size. For example the size of a card for a memory game. You can of course determine how big these should be.

Then you laminate them – and the memory game is done! A game for your children that they made themselves.

Picture painted by children

Looking for even more ideas?

Whether you are technically skilled or not: The Internet is definitely a real treasure trove for ideas in these matters! Here you will really find endless possibilities and great suggestions.

When searching, terms like “scrapbooking” and the like will certainly help you. And you’ll even come across handy templates. There are really many and great ideas for how to store pictures of your children.

Have fun creating! And even more fun if you look at these pictures again in a few years!

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