If Your Child Is Bullied

Your child comes home from school and you see their despair. It is bullied and needs your support!
When your child is bullied

If your child is  bullied , it will break your heart. You start by asking about it, but you can’t encourage it. Besides, it doesn’t feel like talking to you about it.

You can see the sadness on your child’s face and know that you need to act quickly now to save your child even more suffering.

Nobody deserves to be ridiculed and ridiculed by others. This new form of violence is often frightening. But what can you do in this situation?

If your child is bullied …

When your child is bullied

If your child has become the target of reckless criticism, then focus on all of your child’s positive things. Strengthen his self-esteem and tell him how valuable it is!

It has to learn to accept and love itself  for who it is.  It has to understand that everyone is unique and that is also good and important.

Give him examples of very special people who made it, who could achieve their goal. Perhaps you’ve been bullied yourself and can talk to your child about your own experiences.

Show your child that they are not alone; that many others have overcome this problem  and will do so.

People tend to judge others even if they have no idea of ​​their life story.

My weaknesses make me stronger, ” should be the mantra that inspires your child to keep fighting. It shouldn’t let others get it down, because they only act out of their own insecurity. They only reveal their own weaknesses.

What your child can do

Your child needs to learn not to attach importance to the bad words of others. It must try to ignore its schoolmates. Because it is only bullied because the others are weak and need to feel superior. 

What you say, you are yourself, ” as children often say. Over time, life ensures that everyone comes to the right place. Your child will be able to prove that everyone was wrong and that it was not influenced by it. It will go its way!

When your child is bullied

Never forget to smile

Your child should never forget that they are unique and special. Maybe it doesn’t look like everyone else, but that doesn’t mean it’s weird. But on the contrary. Being different is never bad. Your child is valuable and important.

Encourage your child to be happy the way they are. With all flaws and flaws. To love yourself with full confidence. Accept yourself. To know that it is good to be different in body, mind and spirit.

What’s the best your child can do when they’re bullied?

There is nothing like smiling. This will remove the grin from the face of whoever is teasing your child. The person who just laughed at your child’s tears won’t know how to respond and will feel small and inferior when they see their poison not working.

Your child can try to laugh and be happy. It will feel good about itself and those classmates who bullied it will not be able to achieve their goal.

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