Is Permanent Hair Straightening Possible During Pregnancy?

You may be wondering if you can permanently straighten your hair while you are pregnant. It is best to be careful here, however, as the products you use may contain chemicals that can harm your baby.
Is permanent hair straightening possible during pregnancy? 

Many expectant mothers wonder whether permanent hair straightening is possible during pregnancy. However, this is not a good idea, especially during the first three months of pregnancy when you should be extra careful – your baby’s sake.

Permanent straightening of the hair can be very toxic due to the high formaldehyde content. Therefore, you need to be extra careful as this can affect your baby’s development.

Chemical hair treatments almost always have negative effects. And these increase even more when you are pregnant. Keratin treatments are deeply moisturizing and nourishing, but sometimes it’s not good to keep using them during pregnancy.

However, if the keratin doesn’t contain harmful chemicals, you can keep using it. However, you have to be absolutely sure about this. Formaldehyde is very common in conventional bathroom products.

Formalin is a cancer-causing chemical that is prohibited for pregnant women. However, most hair straightening and conditioning treatments contain this chemical. So make absolutely sure that your hairdresser does not use any products with this harmful ingredient.

Although it is necessary to ask your gynecologist, we advise women against permanent hair straightening during pregnancy . This is especially true for the first trimester. It is best to avoid any procedures that are not strictly necessary.

Is Permanent Hair Straightening Harmful During Pregnancy?

If you want to do a Japanese hair straightening treatment, be aware that this procedure contains chemicals derived from ammonia. We therefore also advise against long-term treatments. Because the liquids used in it are harmful to the fetus.

The same thing happens with permanent smoothing. You should avoid permanent hair straightening during pregnancy as most products contain formaldehyde. This is a substance that is harmful to your baby’s development and health.

It is an extremely toxic product that can irritate and damage the respiratory system, eyes, and general wellbeing.

Your hair needs special care during pregnancy and breastfeeding

In short, it is best if women do not permanently straighten their hair while pregnant. It is also advisable to avoid hair straightening treatments or hair dye.

However, you can opt for alternative applications, such as using natural pigments or herbal products. Because these do not contain any toxic chemicals.

In addition to permanent hair straightening during pregnancy, caution is also advised with hair dyes

Gynecologists advise their patients against using normal dyes. In addition, the head should not be completely colored or the scalp affected. This is because the dyes contain some chemical components, such as aniline, that can affect your baby’s development.

This chemical also damages your hemoglobin when ingested, inhaled, or in contact with your skin. And hemglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen!

In addition, some women develop allergies to certain chemicals during pregnancy. In this case, you need to be extra careful and consult with your gynecologist and hairdresser.

The care your hair needs during pregnancy

It’s important to know that your hair will grow more than normal during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This happens because estrogen and progesterone stimulate hair growth during pregnancy.

Once your body has returned to its normal hormone levels, your hair will take in the rest of it that it needs. This phase usually ends 12 weeks after giving birth or when you have reached the end of breastfeeding.

Excess hair will then fall out and your hair will usually return to its original appearance. That means it will return to the volume and thickness that it was before.

Still, it’s important to take good care of your hair before, during, and after your pregnancy. Don’t forget to wash it off with shampoo and then use a hair conditioner afterwards.

Hair loss can occur after pregnancy

If you have dry hair, use a moisturizing mask once a week. You can also stimulate the capillary blood flow with a massage. If you notice a loss of volume after giving birth, you can use certain products to add body to your hair.

Your hair after giving birth

After giving birth, you will find that new things are affecting your body. For example, nervousness and stress promote hair loss. Don’t worry about this, however, as it is a short phase. This also happens with breastfeeding. This is because your body is adjusting to your new role as a mother.

If you are deciding on any hair loss prevention treatment, you should consult your doctor beforehand. Because it could contain substances that could harm your baby. The best thing you can do is to stop doing hair treatments while you are pregnant. This also applies to the duration of the breastfeeding period.

In conclusion, it’s important to remember that not going through hair treatments is a small sacrifice for your baby’s health.

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