It Was Only Through You That I Got To Know True Love

Before you came into my life, I did not know what deep, infinite and unconditional love is that knows no boundaries and gives everything without expecting anything.
It was only through you that I got to know true love

I was wrong. It wasn’t until I saw you that I met true  love ; pure, natural love , tenderness and admiration that I did not know in this way before.

Before you came into my life, I did not know what deep, infinite and unconditional love is that  knows no boundaries and gives everything without expecting anything. From the first moment this love is there, infinite and eternal, completely independent of the circumstances.

I didn’t realize the close relationship between love and happiness before. But you are now my morning sun and the melody of all my afternoons. My light that illuminates even sad days, my breath with your delicate, unmistakable aroma.

You give me the strength to fight and the need to get home quickly; you are the engine that drives me every day to look ahead; the little stick that supports me in everyday life; the little being who made it possible for me to see my own childhood with different eyes.

My child, I am watching you and I understand how much I was wrong. Because if something is true it is that you came into my life to change me and to give you my dedication, time, care and sacrifice; to fill our home with joy; To show me that I didn’t know what true love was until now. 

Love from mother and daughter

My days before your arrival

Today I can say that motherhood has radically changed my life. It’s not about whether my life is better or worse, easier or more complicated now. You have changed me as a person since I held you in my arms in the cold delivery room. 

Before that, I had more time and more girlfriends. But since then I have invested every second, every minute, every day, every week and every month in your love. It made me rich and reaped the most valuable interest: the greatest love for life, as beautiful as in a fairy tale.

I couldn’t understand the importance of a smile and a loving look until you arrived  I couldn’t remember the innocent and tender moments of my tender childhood. Even when I met your father, I did not feel that love can be indestructible, eternal and infinite.
I learned through you to love with an intensity never before experienced.  I’ve never been so important to anyone before. And I couldn’t imagine how wonderful it is to see you grow up. Joint happiness! I understood that I am the most important person in the life of the most important person to me.

When you arrived I learned what love means

When you arrived I learned what love means

When you made the decision to come to this crazy world, I felt a mighty, wonderful and satisfying love. The love of a mother who can move mountains. 

It is so powerful that it can do anything. I have experienced the magic of mother-child bond, a relationship that goes far beyond consanguinity. A close, incomparable bond.

I understood the inexplicable process and saw for myself: the miracle of life. This little human being, which is constantly beating in my heart, is what I carried inside me first. It was part of my body and was born with my heart in his hands.

It has come into my life as a universal truth. My child gave me the most sacred of all titles: mother. It is there to teach me and I to teach him the most important things. Even if so many years pass, I am still amazed and dazed. Because I only learned with you what love means. My life, my heaven.

Image courtesy of Editorial Bromera

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