Keep Calm In A Fit Of Anger

A tantrum is not a nice thing. Nevertheless, it is part of childhood. With our tips you are well prepared for this.
Keep calm during a fit of anger

All parents have trouble coping with their child’s tantrum. They all know those moments of frustration and despair. Keep calm is the secret formula.

You have to distance yourself from the chaos your children sometimes cause. The key to success lies in patience, peace of mind, and trying to calm your child down.

Communication plays the most important role in this situation. Talk to your child in a soft, calm voice.

Try to get at your child’s eye level. Eye contact is very important when dealing with a crisis.

Are these tips enough when it comes to staying in control during a tantrum ? How can you stay balanced and avoid yelling, insults, and improper punishment?

Then you will find helpful tips.

Tantrums: the little ones’ big emotions

Tantrums are just one way children express their feelings. You don’t yet know a more appropriate way to do this.

When you are faced with a tantrum, you play an important role. Your job is then, positively,  strong  and to respond compassionately.

Parents should be able to understand their child’s feelings and understand the reason for this strong reaction.

Child makes different facesAs a parent, you shouldn’t judge, label, punish, or lose patience. You have to be a role model. Most importantly, teaching your child about emotional intelligence is important.

Your little one should be equipped with all the skills they need to develop their communication skills.

This is the only way you can create a better future for your child. It ensures positive physical and emotional development and guarantees a happy childhood and a successful adult life.

Assertiveness and compassion, the keys to avoiding a tantrum

You also need compassion to be in control of your child’s tantrum. Try to put yourself in his shoes. Keep calm and be empathetic to help him explain his feelings.

Understand how your child is feeling and why they are angry. Try projecting calm and ask how it feels. Explain the correct way in which they should express these feelings.

Most of all, you need to clarify the problem that is bothering your child so much. If possible, give him different approaches.

Tantrum - tantrumAssertiveness is also essential. You need to teach your child how to behave and they need to know the consequences of undesirable behavior. But don’t forget to stay calm.

If you act assertively and compassionately, you will teach your child to express themselves in a friendly, open, direct, and appropriate manner.

It has to be balanced so that it can show its feelings. After a few fits of anger, you will have achieved your goal and your child will be able to express themselves properly without starting an argument.

Put in his position

If your little one is having a tantrum, it is best if you put yourself in their shoes. With a little effort, you can remember what it was like to be a child yourself.

Think about how you felt, how you thought and acted. Travel back in time, keep calm and give your child a deep look. No longer as an adult, but from the perspective of a child.

Remember that no matter how severe the tantrum is, it is still a child. This is how you acted when you were little.

Now go back to the present. You have come a long way and your parents gave you all the tools to recognize and properly express your emotions.

Even if you are logically annoyed by your child’s tantrums, just put yourself in their shoes and you will see the whole thing from a new perspective.

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