Mama, Teach Me To Fight For My Dreams

Mom, help me create a better future for myself where I can achieve anything.
Mom, teach me to fight for my dreams

Mom, I just want to ask you a favor. Teach me to fight for my dreams. Show me the importance of pursuing ideals; to implement my ideas with passion.

Show me how I can achieve my goals with conviction, hope and enthusiasm. That’s all I want in order to become a respected person, just like you’ve always wanted.

Dear mom, it is true  that life is not all about good grades and qualifications. These are just symbolic numbers. Grades say nothing about my future, they just serve to classify and stamp me.

What really matters  are my interests, my  integrity, and my desire to learn new things. But it is true: your job is to make a future possible for me. And you do it excellently, with security and conviction.

I love you mom and I am grateful for everything you do for me every day.

Teach me to fight for my dreams

Teach me to pursue my dreams from an early age. This way, when I am older, I can go out into the world and not have to be afraid.

I hold onto my deepest desires and chase after life. Thank you for your advice and your good example. When I grow up, I will continue to be strong, determined, and steadfast.

In this way, mom, I am able to work for what I want. I have the motivation, incentive, trust, and hope that I need. 

I have a star that guides me and guides me through life. Day after day, night after night. 

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My dreams are the engine of my life. Even if I’m on the floor, I’ll keep getting up. Even when I’m tired.

Mom, please give me a calling, a passion that drives me. No matter under what circumstances or conditions. There will be no limits when it comes to pursuing my dreams. 

The key to chasing my dreams

When it comes to fighting for my dreams, there are two important conditions. They are both necessary and indispensable to survive.

Erase fear and put panic aside. Persistence, perseverance, and determination help me overcome obstacles and difficulties.

No indecision, nothing is impossible. All I want are wings that allow me to fly Believe in me. Trust in my abilities. 

Hug me and take care of me. Help my personality and confidence blossom. Feed my independence and freedom every day.

Make a strong and powerful soul out of me. Let me see that even my weaknesses can be used to my advantage.

Explain to me everything I need to know to dream my magical dream – the wheel of my life. Actions and reactions, but above all structure.

First of all, I have to believe. That requires a good dose of optimism, positive thinking, but also objectivity. 

I have to learn to be calm and persistent, just like those bright minds who made history. And ultimately, every desire begins with persistence and a little struggle.

A sky full of stars helps me fight for my dreams

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I give you all my dreams so that you can take care of them and protect them forever. 

Do not forget that my deepest desire is a star with the possibility of becoming a whole galaxy. My future. The path consists of countless stars that twinkle and shine.

No matter which clouds come, these stars light my way through life. I know they are there to guide and inspire me.

And that’s exactly how I will achieve my goals. And that, mom, will be my mission in life: to experiment my dreams and my life.

And so I ask you – the heroine of my life – one more time to teach me to fight for my dreams. Show me how to fight for a better future that will make me a better person.

Guide me so that I can walk through life with dignity. I want to be happy and enjoy life to the full. Thank you mom for doing this better than anyone!

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