Milk Bubbles: What Is It And What Can You Do?

The so-called milk vesicles are an important issue for all expectant mothers. These are white spots that can appear on the nipple. Find out more here!
Milk sacs: what is it and what can you do?

As a mother-to-be, you probably have a lot of questions. Very often they revolve around everything related to breastfeeding. Such as the appearance of milk cells, for example .

In general, it is important that you are well aware of the changes in your body during and after pregnancy and childbirth. Because that way you can meet them more calmly. And it makes the whole experience of your motherhood easier and more beautiful.

The so-called milk vesicles are an important issue for all expectant mothers . These are white spots that can appear on the nipple. These are small, shiny, and with a pearlescent hue.

They usually swell when the baby drinks without a break. And they swell again afterwards without further complications.

So-called milk vesicles form in the milk ducts that transport breast milk. It can happen that these clog the milk duct. Their size can vary over the course of the day.

The milk bubbles can arise, for example, when the baby closes his mouth very tightly and turns his head backwards while drinking, pulling on the breast.

Causes of milk vesicles

Milk vesicles can appear spontaneously. But they can also be caused by an infection or an inflammation of the mammary gland. In these cases, what can you do in view of the discomfort?

  • First, you should try to find a comfortable breastfeeding position. Both you and your child should be comfortable.
  • If necessary, you can take oral anti-inflammatory drugs as needed and following your doctor’s instructions.
  • The treatment is the same as for congestion.
  • Applying a heat pack to the affected breast usually helps .

What symptoms should you be concerned about?

Baby is breastfeeding

Symptoms of concern are, for example: If the fever or inflammation persists and milk sores are frequent. Then you should go to the doctor. Because a culture should be created in the laboratory to determine the exact cause. In such a case, the doctor may also be able to prescribe antibiotics for you.

The white spots are mostly painful. They can also cause intense itching. And there can also be a burning sensation.

Despite these uncomfortable symptoms, they are generally not considered a serious problem. However, you should definitely get them treated by a doctor in good time. Otherwise, the otherwise harmless milk vesicles can develop into a more serious impairment.

This can lead to microbial disease of the breast or even subacute mastitis. This is a type of mastitis that does not cause any typical symptoms: no fever, no pain in the chest, no redness or complete inflammation of the chest.

The pathogenic bacteria are able to establish themselves in the milk ducts and then clog them together with calcium residues.

What can you do about milk sores?

Milk sacs can form when breastfeeding

We recommend that you keep the following tips in mind:

  • First of all, when the milk sacs appear on the nipple, a kind of crust usually forms. This dissolves after 5 to 7 days. Often it is the baby itself who, by sucking on the breast, magically makes these blisters disappear.
  • It is also very important that you take care not to fall asleep while breastfeeding. For one thing, the baby can choke and then suffocate. Or it swallows badly or too much air. And poor suction can lead to acute mastitis.
  • If the milk vesicle is very thick and visible, it is best to warm the affected area a little. Because this way the crust that has formed can be softened and removed more easily.
  • There is also the possibility that you can free your breast yourself and empty it. To do this, you can gently press the nipple so that the blocked milk duct becomes free again. Next, you should place the baby against your breast and let him or her suckle to clear the duct.
  • However, there are milk vesicles that are bacterial in origin. These tend to sit deep. And they usually affect the entire milk duct. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately. They can decide whether you can continue or interrupt breastfeeding. He may also prescribe antibiotic treatment for you if necessary. In such cases, you should always have a follow-up examination to avoid complications.
  • When breastfeeding, you should pay particular attention to hand and nipple hygiene. Because that’s how you prevent infections.
  • Always try to find a quiet place to breastfeed. Because when breastfeeding, both of you should be as relaxed and comfortable as possible.

Breastfeeding is love for your baby

It is best to exclusively breastfeed children for 6 months and then to give them a combination of breast milk and conventional food until they are 2 years old. Because this is how they get the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development.

From the moment a newborn baby drinks breast milk for the first time, an affective dependency relationship begins between mother and baby.

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