Motherhood: Love At First Sight!

To be a mother means unconditional tenderness, devotion, care, passion and willingness to make sacrifices for the small human child who has just seen the light of day.
Motherhood: love at first sight!

Motherhood means  love at first sight,  because there is no feeling that is comparable to the first moment in which you see the little being and hold it in your arms.

Being a mother also means unconditional tenderness, devotion, care, passion and willingness to make sacrifices for the small human child who has just seen the light of day.

If love is the purest of all feelings, then motherhood is the most faithful archetype. There is nothing like it: neither professional success nor carnal desires, wealth or achieved goals …  everything is insignificant when one thinks of the birth of a little human being; to breastfeed it, tease it, hold it in your arms, pamper it, put it in bed …

When I got pregnant …

Before I got pregnant, I thought to myself that I would enjoy a full life, the best moments … I had already completed my dream degree and worked in exactly the same company that I had in mind when I was a student.

I married my longtime boyfriend … he’s not perfect, but I love him.

My successful life has been crowned by good health, good financial position, and a united family. That’s why I believed I had everything.

But then  I got pregnant and had to struggle with the typical symptoms:  vomiting in the first three months, bleeding and bed rest, gestational diabetes and many worries … back pain, swollen legs, numbness in the hands, facial hair, obesity and the associated troubles, slowness and the feeling of being ugly …

But then the day of the delivery came.

Since my pregnancy was difficult, I cannot say that my life was as good as before. So I was convinced that the best thing in my life was already in the past.

Now worry, work, sacrifice and sleepless nights awaited me. I didn’t really want to become a mother, the children of others left me relatively cold. My attitude was therefore very negative.

Mother and child: love at first sight

When I became a mother …

But when I became a mother, my life changed. The ambitious, competitive and self-centered woman who lived inside me died with the birth of my child.

When I saw the small, dirty and bloody creature that screamed from full lungs, the little white thighs and the tiny little feet, it was  love at first sight. This changed my world. 

When Elena was born, a new woman blossomed in my heart: sentimental, fearful of every danger, suspicious, protective … Mother, in particular and in the first place: Mother.

Everything else became unimportant: professional career, interest in money and property, earlier ambitions and former goals.

I didn’t decide overnight to give up my life, no,  my life was now my daughter. 

Mother reads stories to child

Motherhood: love at first sight

Elena is now three years old and it’s still love at first sight. That will never change.

I made sacrifices for her, cared for her, worked hard and slept for many nights … just as I imagined it would be when I was pregnant. But no matter how hard I try, I don’t remember those moments.

My daughter gave me many wonderful hours of happiness, we have a lot of fun and joy together.

After a while, I resumed my professional life and tried hard every day. But I have lost my old interests,  because now I am trying to give my daughter a better life. 

I try to be her role model: a working mother who still has time to have fun with her in the park; a mother for whom discipline is important and also enforces it when it is necessary.

But I am also the mother who hugs, advises and protects her child. I never tire of telling my daughter how much I love her. She knows it was love at first sight when she saw the light of day one summer afternoon.

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