Mother’s Happiness Also Means Making Sacrifices

Whoever loves is able to exhaust himself completely and to make sacrifices. Only those who can empathize with another person, who lives for them, are ready to do everything for this beloved being. Happy motherhood also means giving up a lot. 
Happy motherhood also means making sacrifices

He who loves is able to exhaust himself completely and to make sacrifices. Only those who can empathize with another person, who lives for them, are ready to do everything for this beloved being. Happy motherhood also  means giving up a lot.

But contrary to what many think, this is not a cause for discomfort or annoyance, but the basis for true, inner peace, well-being and satisfaction.

Happiness in a mother also means making  sacrifices. Every mother knows that! 

What sacrifices do mothers make?

Few people are willing to voluntarily make sacrifices for others. Because for that you need a big heart and a lot of love. But many mothers would do anything for their children. Your love is unconditional. Not everyone can understand this, and not every mother thinks that way.

Happy motherhood also means making sacrifices

Only altruistic, kind-hearted and loving people are able to live selflessness and make voluntary sacrifices. Truly good mothers show their unconditional love and are also willing to forego a lot in return. 

When a woman gives birth to a baby  , she develops strength, vitality, joy, and hope. Even if she wasn’t ready to make sacrifices before, everything changes on the day her child is born.

Mothers are very special people who know how to overcome insurmountable obstacles. There are no indomitable situations when it comes to the protection, upbringing, welfare and love of the child.
When fate gets in the way and the child’s well-being is at stake,  mothers develop incredible powers to do the best possible for their children. Even if they have no help.

Mother’s happiness

Happiness is almost like an innate quality of mothers. Nobody knows more about it than she does.

Many people lead unhappy lives and rarely experience small moments of happiness. But it is very easy for mothers to experience happiness. 

A quick look at the baby in the cradle, a smile, a gesture; Providing comfort when the child cries, the first word, helping the child to learn to sit or walk, fun and games … everything a child does makes his mother happy. 

To put it to bed, to carry it in your arms, to stroke it and sing it to it; Smile at it and talk to it, change its diaper and dress it … Everything children do contributes to the happiness of the mother. It’s like honey for your soul and your heart.

Enjoy mother's happiness

Happy motherhood also means giving up

Immediately after the baby is born, or even before that, during pregnancy, the neural activity in the mother’s brain begins  to change in favor of the little human being. What was important before is now suddenly of secondary importance.

The birth of the baby is followed by sleepless nights, physical exhaustion, sore breasts, pain after the caesarean section or natural delivery, worries and fears …  but now the only thing that counts is the unbelievable well-being and happiness of holding the child in your arms and knowing well .

Professional or personal interests now take a back seat. They become insignificant and have time to wait until tomorrow. Because today the happiness of the child comes first.

Only mothers are able to stop their lives and fully care for their children.  Only they are able to voluntarily forego so many things for the benefit of the little offspring’s well-being.

You need a big heart and deep love in order to constantly respond to the requests and needs of the little human being with little sleep and even less rest. But motherly happiness is also present in all of these victims!

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