Multiple Pregnancy: The Right Diet

In today’s article you will learn which nutrients are particularly important during a multiple pregnancy. Read on!

Today we are looking into the question of what the right diet looks like in a  multiple pregnancy .

You’ve probably heard many times that pregnant women have to eat for two. While this makes sense, it cannot be carried over to the amounts an expectant mother needs.

The right nutrients are important. Because pregnant women generally need more vitamins and minerals for the baby to develop properly. 

In the case of a  multiple pregnancy  , the nutritional requirement is correspondingly greater. Therefore, learn more about the right diet in order to properly care for the little belly-dwellers and yourself. 

Multiple pregnancy: proper nutrition

Diet is not much different in a multiple pregnancy than when an expectant mother is expecting just one child. In general, it is advisable to eat around 400 calories more than normal. But it is important to get the right nutrients.

You should therefore attach particular importance to protein, fruit and vegetables and not absorb the additional calories from ready-made products or fatty foods.

The risk of nausea and vomiting is increased in this case, as there are stronger hormonal changes. All of these aspects must also be taken into account in the diet. We therefore recommend that you seek help from a nutritionist if you are expecting twins or triplets.

Multiple pregnancy

Essential nutrients in a multiple pregnancy

Eating a healthy diet is important in any pregnancy. As already mentioned,  fresh fruit and vegetables should not be missing. However, in a multiple pregnancy, adequate intake of specific nutrients is essential as two (or more) babies need to be cared for.

This could lead to a nutrient deficiency!


The need for calcium is particularly high in a multiple pregnancy. It should not be forgotten that a large part of it is excreted in the urine.

The daily requirement is around 1200 mg. Important calcium sources are: Dairy products (milk, cheese and skimmed natural yoghurt), oranges, broccoli, sardines, eggs, dried fruits and others

Folic acid

Folic acid is known to be of paramount importance to support healthy central nervous system development. If there is a deficiency  , the risk of deformities or an open back (spina bifida) is greater. 

Doctors usually recommend a dietary supplement to provide the expectant mother with adequate folic acid.

This vitamin can also be found in the following foods: green leafy vegetables such as spinach or lettuce, asparagus, broccoli and others


Iron should also not be missing in a multiple pregnancy. This improves the oxygen supply to the cells. This is especially important if you are expecting more than one child. An iron deficiency could also lead to anemia.

In addition to the supplements prescribed by your doctor, you can include the following foods in your diet:  red meat, chicken eggs, and fish.

Orange juice is also very beneficial because the vitamin C it contains makes it easier to absorb and use iron.


Proteins are also necessary for the structure of the placenta, so  a deficit could have serious consequences.

So you should increase your protein consumption slightly and, above all, pay attention to quality. Because in this way you supply your organism with essential amino acids at the same time.

Recommended foods are: fish, poultry, beans, rice, oats, etc.


Vitamin intake must also be controlled in a multiple pregnancy. Vitamins B6, D and C are particularly important.  But minerals such as zinc and copper should also not be missing.

The recommended amounts that the expectant mother should consume through dietary supplements are the same as in pregnancy with a child. But we also recommend foods that contain the nutrients mentioned.

These include, for example: dried fruits, chickpeas, liver, fruit, etc.

Diet in a multiple pregnancy

Weight gain in a multiple pregnancy

An expectant mother’s weight gain is directly related to her original weight and physique. With twins, women usually gain between 15 and 18 kg, with triplets up to 22 kg. 

Try not to consume too many carbohydrates and replace them with lots of vegetables and high-protein foods. This will give you the right nutrients and prevent you from gaining too much.

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