My Body Was And Will Remain Your Nest

My body was your nest and will remain so for as long as you want.
My body was and will be your nest

My body was your nest, your home, your temporary home for nine months. My skin was your warmth, your refuge and the way to tell you that I will always be with you for as long as you want. Until you can run faster and one day you don’t need my hand anymore.

I’m sure a lot of mothers or fathers look to the days when their baby needed them so badly. After those months when our baby snuggled up in our laps, breathing softly, with his warm sobs and his tiny hand firmly clutching our finger.

These days go by as fast as a sigh, like a wind that comes and goes and and leaves only a memory. But our body, our closeness, is still important, at least until the child is 3 years old. Only then, according to experts, does the extrauterine development end, where it is essential to wear it close to the body.

In “I am mother” we would like to draw your attention to the importance of still being a physical refuge after pregnancy.  Your child will feel safe and secure in your lap and on your skin. Only in this way can it develop and grow accordingly.

My body was and will be your nest

Children are smart and know their basic needs. Our obligation, therefore, is to understand them properly. It doesn’t matter whether our child is 3 or 4 years old and still wants to be kidnapped. This brief moment sometimes lasts no longer than 5 minutes, but it gives the child comfort and ensures that they feel loved and can recharge their batteries. Then the little ones can play again.

Of course, sometimes it is not an easy task as the child weighs more now or we are in a hurry or have something to do.

However, keep in mind that those days of holding-in-arms are going by a lot faster than you think. So why not just enjoy it?

Take your child with you everywhere in these years of life

My body was your nest, this state can be continued with a sling.

The baby is born with a very underdeveloped brain. Its neural connections make up barely 25 percent of an adult brain. However, there is one thing we must not forget: during the first 3-4 years of its life it will have its maximum potential with almost 1,000 billion neural connections.

So we have to take advantage of this stage. And it works best if you carry your baby on your body for as long as possible. For example, if you’re a working mom and have no choice but to be apart from your baby for a few hours, here are some things to do:

  • When you get home after work, hold your baby in your arms and use a sling, for example.
  • Take it anywhere and allow it free access to your breasts.
  • Almost without realizing it, your little one won’t be so scared when you go to work. It will learn to wait and immediately when you come home it can feel its and your closeness very close to you. This also has a positive effect on breastfeeding.

My body was your nest and you will always be able to return there

My body was your nest - even if the child is older, it will still need you to be around.

As soon as our children are 6 or 7 years old, their lives will fill with more people. They get to know their peers and share experiences with their schoolmates. The world is getting wider before their eyes and somehow it seems like we are no longer that important in it.

However, you should never think that way. Because a mother or a father is always important to their child. You are its roots. You will always be in her heart, always speak sincerely and honestly to him, wish and give the best for her. You would get a piece of heaven or a piece of star if you had to.

Don’t worry, if you have allowed him to be close to you right from the start, where he can sleep or find shelter and comfort.  You can be sure that by the time they are 10, 12, or 20 they will still be grateful for a big hug. Just to remind them that “everything will be fine”, “that they are special”, “that there is no problem that has no solution” and that “they will always be loved”.

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