Pets And Babies – This Is How They Can Live Together!

Pets and babies – this combination is becoming more and more common. In today’s article we’re going to explain why it is important to prepare pets for the arrival of a new baby in your home and share some tips that you won’t want to miss out on.
Pets and babies - this is how they can live together!

The tips below will help prepare your pet for the arrival of a newborn. Because pets and babies are compatible if you prepare well.
The pets and babies adventure begins nine months before you bring your little one home with you for the first time. This experience is particularly intense with your first child. But the presence of fluffy pets in your home can also be another factor contributing to the difficulties during pregnancy and after delivery. If you have animals in your household, it is therefore important to prepare them for them before your baby arrives.

Pets and babies – a kind of shared apartment

It is perfectly natural for new parents to devote all of their attention to their newborn daughter or son. However, this can be a problem when animals are at home.

Your pet will no longer get the kind of attention they are used to, and this in turn can lead to behavior changes in your pet. Usually, the animal becomes either anxious or depressed

Animals suffer from change

If your pet’s environment changes, it will notice it immediately. Dogs and cats are often anxious.

Of course, one cannot estimate in advance how an animal will react to the new situation and can only make assumptions. Even so, it is best to prepare your pet for the arrival of your newborn as it will be a big change for your pet.

The goal should be for your pet to look forward to the baby’s arrival instead of being scared of it. Otherwise, if pets feel anxious, they may be reacting inappropriately

How to Prepare Your Pets for the Arrival of a New Baby

This is how you prepare your pets for your newborn baby

You should prepare your pets for unfamiliar and unforeseen situations long before the baby is born. Babies are full of surprises and anything is possible when there is a small baby in the house. 

We therefore recommend the following:

Find a cozy place for your pet

This should be one of the very first things you think about. Especially if your animal is used to moving and running without restrictions.

No, that doesn’t mean that you lock your animal away. But it should be clear where its area is and where it shouldn’t stay too long. And then there are also rooms in the house to which the pet can no longer have access. 

If you have a cat, it shouldn’t be allowed in the nursery. The reason is that cats will jump on pretty much any surface and this is really not good for your baby.

It is especially important that your cat does not sleep in the cradle. 

With dogs, on the other hand, it is a little different. You have to train them a little so that they can socialize and become tolerant. To a certain extent, that depends on the breed and the time you spend with them.

Some dogs want to protect children and then even sleep at the foot of the bed.

Pets and Babies – New Activities

In order for your animals to be ready for a new family member, they need to have activities that they can enjoy without you. Especially when they are very used to you and always follow you around the house.

Realize that your baby is going to need all of your time and attention. Your pets may well feel replaced and sad.

Get your animals used to new noises in the house.

Animals have very sensitive hearing. Especially when compared to humans. Most likely, your pet will have to listen to a lot of crying, and this can be irritating.

You can play recordings for it in advance so that it already knows this sound. Or you turn up the radio every now and then. Because the animals have to get used to more noise in the house. And that is also their living space.

Pets and babies – everyone needs their own space

You will spend a lot of time in the nursery. Therefore, prepare the animal part of your family well for this.

Get them used to the sight of you in the nursery. You should also familiarize your animals with various utensils for the baby. For example, allow your pet to sniff baby shampoo or lotions. You can also play with a few things that make noises, such as squeaking. Pets can also get used to your baby’s clothes.

This will help your pet understand that the new baby is part of the family and home.

Pets and babies

Pets and babies – after birth

Those were the tricks of getting used to it. But what is to be done when the baby arrives is also important.

At first, you shouldn’t let your pet outside. Greet it with love and affection. Show him how much you love him and that he is a good animal.

Take time to get pets and babies used to each other. This is how you avoid fear on both sides. Both will get used to the smell and presence of the other. 

The first month with your newborn

At the beginning, you should attach a grille to the nursery. After a certain time, you can allow your animal a short visit to the nursery in your presence and with your permission.

However, you should never leave them together unattended when your baby is young. It’s not that animals want to intentionally harm a baby, but their sudden movements can be dangerous to a child.

If your child is not used to rough play, you will need to get them used to it as soon as they crawl. Remember that your baby cannot see any danger. It will also try to pull on the dog or cat’s tail. Without any bad intentions, of course.

Once your child can crawl, they will develop a strong bond with the animal. But even then you should always be there. 

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