Positive Stimulation Activates Your Baby’s Memory

You can stimulate your child daily with positive stimuli. It’s very easy and has many advantages!
Positive stimulation activates your baby's memory

Your baby’s memory is activated by sensory and cognitive stimulation, as well as his environment. Why is this happening?

First of all, after birth, your baby has an average of 100 trillion neurons, but few neuronal connections. These multiply as your child grows up.

As a mother, you can stimulate your child in different ways every day. For example, you can talk to them in a happy and tender way, make them laugh, or make funny faces.

By the age of 4, your child will have a maximum of 1,000 trillion neural connections. This is a very important learning phase. Children at this age are like sponges and learn quickly and spontaneously every day. 

According to a study by Brigham Young University in the States, positive stimulation is a great way to stimulate your baby’s memory and help them remember interesting things.

Everything is easier with positive stimulation

Because babies are not yet able to make themselves understood with words, experts have decided to test their memory using their eye movements.

They watched how long the baby looked at a test image. 

At the beginning of the study, they placed a baby in front of a monitor on which a person spoke to them in different pitches. At the same time, the baby was shown a geometric figure.

Part of the study consisted of addressing the baby in a harsh and mean voice while looking at certain geometric figures.

Then it heard a tender, understanding and loving voice while it looked at other characters.

By analyzing the babies’ eye movements and the time they spent fixing certain figures, one thing was shown:  positive stimulations actually stimulate your baby’s memory, faster than negative ones. 

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How positive stimulation affects your baby’s memory

The test was carried out again five minutes later and then again the next day. The next day, however, a new geometric shape was added.

The researchers determined the time the baby devoted to each geometric figure. They discovered that the shapes associated with a negative voice were forgotten.

The babies were much better at recognizing the shapes associated with positive and happy voices. 

After doing this experiment for two days, the researchers showed the babies one more time. This time without voices.

They noticed that the babies were still drawing their attention to the images previously associated with a positive voice.

This showed that the use of positive stimulation helps to retain knowledge over the long term.

It also explains why parents who force their children to do something get such poor results. 

Attention essential to create new, stable neural connections. This is why it is so important for a child to be focused and alert.

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Dynamic activities

Regular and systematic activities stimulate the growth of new nerve cells. They also increase the number of neural synaptic connections.

To do this  , parents need to adequately and constantly stimulate their child with interesting tasks that demand their attention. 

It should be repetitive tasks that give positive feedback.

Ultimately, the researchers concluded that this was one of the first studies to look at the relationship between emotions and memories in babies. Many more studies will certainly follow.

Positive stimulation from an early age is key to your baby’s good memory later in life.

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