Power-obsessed Parents: How Do They Behave?

While the behavior of power-obsessed parents is noticeable, it is not always noticed by their children. In fact, it is extremely difficult to see.
Power-Obsessed Parents: How Do They Behave?

Power-obsessed parents develop dysfunctional relationships with their children. If children do not develop enough emotional intelligence on their own and break free from the power-obsessed love of their parents, they become extremely dependent, unhappy, and vulnerable.

Today we want to talk to you about this reality that is rarely addressed.

Power-obsessed parents and their behavior

As a rule, children only become aware of their power-obsessed parents late. You may not notice it until you are young, adult, or old.

Power-obsessed parents behave differently. The most important points include:


You have to do this, be this way, feel and think this way because I am saying it.

Submissive, dependent, compliant children with low self-esteem. Little confidence.

Power-obsessed parents ensure that their children do not become independent and hold them back in life.


Do not do anything, feel or think without first getting my consent. You must always be under my supervision so that you do not suffer, make mistakes or hurt yourself.

Children who are unable to do something are afraid of everything and everyone. There is a lack of initiative.


I have the right to enter your life, to haunt you and to know everything because I gave birth to you and raised you.

Lying, rebellious, submissive children, dependent on each individual.

There is a kind of “power obsession” that is more common among women. Power-obsessed mothers who are “manipulative” are life threatening. They are devastating to their children’s independence and emotional development.

We’ll tell you more about it afterwards.

An extremely harmful mother

An extremely harmful mother who copes with suffering and who is often overly self-sacrificing. She has shown this to her children since they were little.

That is, she is blackmailing you emotionally. As the children grow up, she makes sure that they are aware of all that she had to sacrifice so that she could devote herself to their development.

It is also important to emphasize that a “manipulative” mother does not act maliciously. She firmly believes that a mother’s love is an offering, a suffering; so intense that it is painful.

While there is no specific motive for their behavior, their actions are the result of real fears that their child will grow up and leave home, love someone else, or realize that they don’t need them. By which leaving means death itself for the child.

A “manipulative” mother manipulates her child into believing that they are and always should be the main character in their lives.

She turns it into a puppet and pulls the strings with the clear goal of preparing it for what she wants or needs. As a result, she teaches that the relationship they have, even when they are adults, should come first.

In addition, a “manipulative” mother raises her child with the idea that it is her duty to take care of her. And even as they grow up, get married and have children, it should be their priority.

Power-hungry parents tend to punish their children as soon as they focus on other things.

Children of a “manipulative” mother

Children of a “manipulative” mother who unfortunately fail to overcome the “disease” they contracted at birth (their own mother) will never lose the umbilical cord that connects them.

Also, as she ages and her mother ages, the relationship turns from manipulative love (I am attached to you)  to pathetic love (I owe you to all of your victims). Because in the end they are still at their mercy.

As a result, a child with such a mother is educated, submissive, overly indulgent, hardworking … a model child .

Furthermore, any wrongdoing makes them feel extremely guilty about the pain their mother may be feeling. Even if the mistake is as insignificant as breaking a plate.

Consequences of power-obsessed parenting behavior

Powerful parents cause their children to grow into bitter, pessimistic adults with very low self-esteem.

On the other hand, they can also become rebels and even commit vandalism.

However, children of power-obsessed parents have a hard time building healthy relationships with their peers and can be emotionally unstable.

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