Problems With Breastfeeding And Suitable Solutions

More women than you think have problems breastfeeding. Don’t get discouraged and be patient, then they’ll be easy to resolve.
Breastfeeding Problems and Appropriate Solutions

Knowing what are the primary causes of breastfeeding problems can help prevent or resolve them.

There is no better food for your baby than the milk your body produces after birth. So breastfeeding your newborn should be a time of rest and peace, not fear.

Breastfeeding your baby is an excellent decision, but learning to breastfeed can be tricky. The problems posed by breastfeeding increase the chances of the baby being weaned early.

We have put together a list for you in which we show the most common hurdles you can encounter when starting breastfeeding.

The five most common breastfeeding problems

1. Bad sucking on the nipple

One of the biggest problems that can arise while breastfeeding is insufficient suction on the nipple.

Problem:  The baby is not sucking well enough because he is only gripping the nipple with his lips, creating other problems.

Solution:  Use your index and middle fingers and gently slide the nipple into your baby’s mouth. You need to make sure that these, as well as parts of the areola, are in his mouth.

2. Too much or insufficient milk production

Problem:  In the first few months after giving birth, hormonal changes increase or decrease the production of breast milk.

Solution:  Allow your baby to set the rhythm for your milk production by asking. If you are producing too much milk, offering the baby only one breast at a time can help.

On the other hand  , breastfeeding your baby whenever he gets hungry can stimulate milk production.

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Tip:  How do you know if you are producing enough milk for your baby? You should watch to see if your little one’s diapers are regularly full. Also, make sure your baby is gaining enough weight.

If so, then you have nothing to fear.

3. Reject the breast

Problem:  The baby is rejecting your breast for the following reasons:

  • Bad experience  due to poor nipple hold or wrong position while breastfeeding.
  • Your baby has already been bottle-fed  and has found that the breast is more strenuous.
  • Maybe there is an unpleasant smell or taste  from creams or perfumes that you use on your skin.

    Solution:  Avoid using cosmetics on your breast and insist on offering the breast to your baby. Also, don’t use bottles or pacifiers.

    Be patient and place your baby in your breast until his or her sucking reflex is stimulated. 

    4. Cracked and sore nipples

    Problem:  The reason for these common breastfeeding problems is poor positioning of the baby on the breast or poor sucking.

    Solution:  Try breastfeeding in different positions until you find one that is comfortable for both of you. To promote the flow of milk, you can warm your breast a little before breastfeeding.

    This will also help avoid any pain when you start sucking. In addition, you can apply a few drops of your own milk as a lubricant. 

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    5. Mastitis

    Problem:  The affected breast is clogged by a blocked milk duct, which can result from excessively long periods between breastfeeding processes.

    This happens because the hot milk is the perfect breeding ground for the bacteria that cause this infection.

    Symptoms of mastitis:  The affected area feels warm and hard. In addition, the skin is sensitive, sore and red and looks feverish.

    Solution: The best solution to this problem is to breastfeed your baby regularly. This inflammation is not harmful to your baby.

    You should consult a specialist to prescribe medication that will treat the infection from the inside.

    Breastfeeding problems are very common and shouldn’t discourage you. 

    Every inconvenience has a solution, which is usually easier than you think. You just have to be patient and optimistic, then you can solve any problem.

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