Promote Emotional Intelligence

Teaching Emotional Intelligence goes beyond logical reasoning and academic knowledge. It’s about learning how to deal with your emotions and how to live harmoniously with other people in the various phases of development.
Promote emotional intelligence

When we talk about intelligence we are usually referring to the ability to learn and absorb new knowledge. The entire academic system is still largely based on this concept. But  emotional intelligence  is also essential to be successful in life.

There has been talk of teaching emotional intelligence in schools since the 1990s . But there is still a lot to be done in this area.

In this article, you will find useful idioms to develop emotional intelligence in children.

Emotional intelligence is understood as knowing how to manage and use your emotions to lead a more efficient life. This is why emotional intelligence is becoming increasingly important in the education system at a very young age.

Promote emotional intelligence

1. Understand what you are feeling.

Teaching children to recognize their feelings from a young age will help them deal better with them.

Responses to emotions such as anger or frustration can get out of hand if a child has not developed the ability to recognize and handle them.

When a child learns to control their emotions, they will improve their ability to relate to others. Plus, it’ll feel better.

2. Stay in the present.

Being in the here and now may seem mundane, but it is a very useful habit. Being in the present is the best way to become aware of yourself.

This will help your child understand what triggers a particular response and become aware of the relationship between responses and emotions. This gives the child more control over themselves.

Emotional intelligence: girls

Focusing on the present can also help your child avoid harmful emotions such as fear, worry, and feelings of guilt.

A child who does not develop their self-awareness will not be aware of their weaknesses, but neither will they have the confidence that comes from knowing their own strengths.

3. Silence is important.

Many believe that when a child is silent, one should worry. Yet  silence is part of emotional intelligence in order to develop. 

If you teach your child to enjoy the inner and outer silence and listen to themselves, they will benefit from it for life. They will be able to reflect and most importantly, listen to their intuitions – something we often ignore in today’s stressed society.

4. Listen carefully.

With this phrase we teach children to listen actively. Active listening is the key to effective communication.

To do this, you need to teach your child three basic things: to pay attention to what they are saying, use their body language to show the speaker that they are listening, and be able to summarize the general idea of ​​what they are saying.

What do we achieve with it? Improvements in academic performance and especially in relationships with others, because effective communication means respecting others.

5. Your heart and your reason should always accompany you.

Adults are sometimes prone to extremes. Either we are overly rational or we run amok and act impulsively. This phrase for promoting emotional intelligence tells us to try to find balance within ourselves.

Emotional intelligence: toddlers

Teach your child that the ideal is to maintain a balance between rational and impulsive thoughts. It won’t always be easy, but it is important to practice to achieve it.

6. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.

Empathy is one of the cornerstones of emotional intelligence. Getting a child to understand the feelings of others is a very important step.

By accepting the feelings of others, we become stronger in our own emotions. It is a two-way process in which both have something to gain.

You learn to recognize what the other wants or needs. A child who develops empathy will be a trustworthy adult. This is precisely an important skill in jobs that involve constant contact with other people.

These phrases to promote emotional intelligence can be shown in a fun way in the classroom, nursery, or even on t-shirts.

Emotional and cognitive development is important to becoming a more balanced and involved adult.

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