Quick Dinner Ideas – I’m Mom

What should I cook tonight? Many parents ask themselves this question. We have some quick and healthy ideas for you here.
Quick dinner ideas

Eating healthy has many benefits for the body. However, parents do not always have the time to prepare an extensive dinner for the family. Here are 5 quick dinner ideas that you can easily make at home.

For food to be good for our bodies, it  has to be nutritious, healthy, and light. Breakfast is of course the most important meal of the day, but everyone else is important if you want to have a healthy lifestyle.

Many parents barely have time to cook. Having a few options on hand for stressful days will help when you really don’t have time.

Children grow up all the time and use up a lot of energy throughout the day. A nutritious dinner will help you restore this energy. This will also help you sleep better at the end of the day.

Dinner should be light, especially for the little ones who go to bed right afterwards. Here are some quick dinner ideas for the whole family.

5 quick dinner ideas that can be prepared in record time

1. Stuffed tomatoes

Depending on your taste,  you can fill them with tuna, chicken, meat, couscous, or even rice. 

In addition to being very easy to prepare  , this food is also packed with essential nutrients, such as vitamin C.  This helps in tissue growth and renewal.

It’s also a fun food because it’s made up of strong colors (the red of tomatoes) that will  grab your child’s attention.

Quick Dinner Ideas - Quick-Dinner-Ideas-Stuffed-Tomatoes

2. Caprese salad

This simple dish is a mix of many flavors that your child will love.

To prepare it,  you will need 2 tomatoes, 2 mozzarella balls, basil, olive oil and salt.

  • First, you wash the tomatoes and cut them into thin slices. Then do the same with the mozzarella balls.
  • Lay the tomato slices and the mozzarella slices on top of each other.
  • Then wash the  basil and grind it together with a little salt and olive oil.
  • Apply this mixture to the tomatoes and mozzarella slices.

3. Tuna and vegetable croquettes

Many children don’t like fish. So  the best way to add it to your diet is to serve it differently. 

Tuna contains fatty acids and omega 3,  both of which are important for keeping the heart and blood vessels healthy.

You can serve this dish with cooked vegetables. The contrasting colors are sure to grab your child’s attention.

4. Cauliflower

To prepare this dish you will need some cauliflower, 2 eggs, flour and salt.

  • Boil the cauliflower in a saucepan with water and a little salt for about 30 minutes. Before you take it off the stove, prick it with a fork to make sure it’s soft.
  • After you have taken out the cauliflower, cut it and roll each “flower” in flour.
  • Beat an egg and salt in a bowl and dip the flowers there. 
  • Finally, put some oil in a pan and fry the cauliflower until it is completely through.

This dish is ready when the cauliflower turns golden. You can then place the fried buds in a bowl to drain off any excess oil. The dish is high in fiber and very low in fat.

5. Yogurt with fruits

Kids would definitely rather eat desserts than salad or vegetables. Therefore it is ideal to combine both with each other. This option is very good for making a quick dinner.

Schnelle Abendessen Ideen - Schnelle-Abendessen-Ideen-Fruchtjoghurt

To make this recipe you will need Greek yogurt, 50g blackberries, 50g raspberries, 100g strawberries, 50g walnuts and 75g sugar.

  • First  you stir the yogurt with a spoon and then distribute it into cups.
  • Then you heat 400ml water and add the strawberries, blackberries and raspberries as soon as it boils.
  • Slowly add the sugar until it all forms a jelly.
  • Put the jelly on the yogurt and decorate it as you like.
  • Tip: If you don’t have Greek yogurt, you can also use plain yogurt , which does not contain sugar or milk.

These recipes are ideal as quick dinner ideas that are healthy at the same time. They are rich in nutrients and very easy to replicate.

When you make dinner, you should think about the other meals you had during the day. This way you will be able to prepare food that contains the necessary nutrients.

You should be careful not to use too much oil as it will make your child harder to fall asleep.

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