Raising Strong And Self-confident Children

Both security and self-confidence make it possible to accept yourself and be strong. Because we are always our own worst critics and doubters.
Raising strong and confident children

Uncertainty can have a negative impact on a child’s development. You should therefore try to give your child security so that they can appear strong and confident. Today we have a few tips for you on how to raise strong,  confident children .

Children need time and space to discover themselves. But you can help your little darling on this path so that he can develop self-confidence and healthy self-love. 

Confident children can have experiences with other people and in different life situations without feeling guilty. They are not afraid or feel threatened or unable to do certain things. 

Even if it sounds like a contradiction in terms,  children in particular with a strong bond with their parents develop into self-confident, independent earthly citizens. Because the upbringing and attention they receive from their parents give them the support they need to develop their own initiative.

Raising strong and  confident children  begins with a safe environment. In this context, it is of the utmost importance that parents enable their children to feel safe. You need to teach your children:

  1. Children need to feel loved and know that their parents have been looking forward to them since conception because they are a desired child.
  2. They need to know  that they can trust their parents and vice versa.
  3. They also need to be respected and know that no matter what they do, their parents will always love them.
  4. They need to know that they are being listened to and that their opinions are counted.
  5. Solid relationships with the nuclear family are also fundamental in raising strong and confident children.

Raising strong and confident children

Raising strong and confident children: how does it work?

Raise your children freely

As they get older, it is quite normal for your child to become more and more independent. It is the parents’ job to help them discover the world and gain experiences. Of course, this also includes warning the child about dangers and risks. But fun and free play should not be missing.

In play, children can discover and structure the world. Let your child play and encourage them to engage in activities to achieve their goals.

When he struggles to achieve things he becomes aware that he is able to carry out his resolutions. This is a very valuable experience for your self-esteem  and the best foundation for feeling confident and capable.

Encourage your child to do things on their own

If you want to help your child become confident,  you shouldn’t make them dependent on you. Explain to him what independence means and the many advantages of being able to do things on your own without the help of others.

Of course, your child is still dependent on you in many things and you have to help him. But it can do a lot on its own. 

Teamwork is important in raising strong and confident children

There is nothing wrong with helping your child. But parents should orient their child so that it can achieve the goals set. So try to help him, but not take over your child’s chores. This would interfere with your little darling’s learning process.

Work with your child in a team,  help him share the successes afterwards. Celebrate progress, not results, with your child. If it fails, it will learn that the next time it just has to try harder.

This experience and the appropriate intervention on your part will show your child that there is always an opportunity to improve.

In raising strong and confident children, learn to delegate and let go

Parents sometimes forget that their children are not an extension of themselves, even if they have inherited their genes. The natural egoism that we all know and our own shortcomings often lead to the fact that we unconsciously raise our children to be emotionally dependent.

Therefore, don’t forget that your children have to lead their own lives,  even if you gave them life. They have to gradually become more and more independent and have their own experiences in order to be able to develop their personality.

You can give them good tips and recommendations, but you also have to accept their decisions and always give them the freedom to go their own way.

Raising strong and confident children

Sense of tact and constructive criticism in raising strong and confident children

Parents often unconsciously and without bad intentions say to their children things like: “Come to me, you poor one. The educator Elena Roger Gamir advises parents  to delete such statements from the vocabulary. It is about your child who is in an important phase of development, but who is by no means “poor”.

This advice also applies to other expressions and remarks that make the child victim or encourage self-pity. So you should think twice about your comments as they could lead to negative feelings.

Avoid negative messages, even if they are unconscious. Positive reinforcement is far more important in raising strong, confident children. Constructive criticism helps them to develop positively and to view mistakes as the basis of every learning process.

Parents are there  to promote healthy self-confidence in their children. This is key in raising strong and confident children.

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