Reduce The Fear Of Childbirth

The fear of childbirth is very widespread. In fact, almost all pregnant women are anxious to some degree.
Reduce the fear of childbirth

In primiparous women, this fear of childbirth is reinforced by a lack of experience. When faced with this incredible experience for the first time, it is easy to preoccupy yourself only with thoughts that fuel the  fear of childbirth .

The due date is getting closer and closer. You feared childbirth throughout your pregnancy, but now that fear is more real and intense.

But you can relax: we know how it is and want to help you prepare for this special moment.

Why am I so afraid of childbirth?

It seems like a contradiction in terms – you want the child so badly, but at the same time you fear that moment.

There are many reasons for this irony. Here are a few specific fears many expectant mothers experience:

  • Fear of the pain. It is an undeniable fact. The birth hurts. It hurts a lot. When your child is ready to be born, your body will experience powerful changes to support the birth of your baby. And these changes hurt.
  • Fear of the unknown. If you don’t know what to do, what will happen, what steps to follow…. all of this creates insecurity and therefore fear.

There are many reasons for fear of childbirth

  • Fear of complications. You have probably already wondered if something could go wrong. The thought of things not going according to plan or that they are taking longer than expected is scary.
  • Afraid that something might happen to you. What if something happens to me? What will happen to my baby Our bodies are biologically prepared for birth, but no one can guarantee that everything will go as planned. Childbirth is an incredible and complex process, but we cannot deny that there is sometimes danger involved.
  • Fear of not knowing what to do with your baby. Carrying your baby in the womb is relatively easy. It really doesn’t require a lot of training. But once it’s outside of your body, you may wonder if you can take care of it properly.

How to face the fear of childbirth

What not to do:

“I’ve heard stories from mothers who have had really bad experiences – I’m sure it will be the same for me.” If you believed everything you were told, there was nothing more you could do. Your personal experience is exclusive and unique.

“And what if …?” This “what if” is a way to get upset about things that haven’t and probably won’t even happen. And even if they do, there is no point in worrying prematurely. Insecurity creates fear.

“I don’t think I can take the pain.” This is a pain that you have never experienced before. Assuming beforehand that you will not be able to handle this will only fuel your fear. And you inevitably have to face this.

“I won’t be a good mother.” No mother is perfect – but being a good mother has a lot more to do with instincts than you think. Doubting your abilities only increases your insecurity and of course your fear.

Overcoming fear of childbirth

What you should do :

Take a childbirth preparation class. The instructors explain step by step what will happen. You can ask all the burning questions and get the best advice to make it easier for you and your baby.

Be honest about your fears. If you talk openly about your worries, your fear will also decrease. This also gives those around you the opportunity to give you the support you need.

Your partner, friends and others who have already had a birth are best suited for this.

Prepare everything for your baby’s arrival. Instead of focusing on the scary or whatever, think about all the beautiful moments that are about to happen.

Enjoy imagining how your life will be better with the arrival of your son or daughter.

Also, remember that healthcare professionals will be with you every step of the way to help you and your baby.

At no point will you be alone at birth. There are specialists who guide and support you and you will know exactly what you have to do to bring your child into the world.

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