Saying No – This Is How You Do It In A Positive Way!

Nobody likes to deny their child something that they would like to have. But unfortunately it is important as a parent to be able to say no from time to time. So we should also know how best to do it.
Saying no - this is how you do it in a positive way!

Children can be wonderfully lovable and then drive us to the edge again. Although they are usually innocent and cheerful, they can get very stubborn after getting something on their mind. Saying no is particularly difficult then.

In situations like this it is really not easy. So it is important that we learn how best to say no. We have to do it in a certain yet positive way.

It doesn’t even matter if it’s your own child. Indeed, most adults find it difficult to say no to a child. This is simply because children are small, cute, and innocent beings.

This is why we feel bad and even guilty when we refuse a child and make them sad or angry. Nonetheless, we also have to keep reminding ourselves of our responsibilities as parents. And that includes making it clear to them that life is not just one playground.

The sooner you learn this lesson, the sooner you will learn how to live. 

Children need to develop a tolerance for frustration. And in doing so, they should best be helped by people who love them.

So don’t worry if they are mad at you. Saying no has to be learned and that also includes overcoming yourself at the beginning. Just take a deep breath!

Everything you do is for their good. So it doesn’t make sense that you feel guilty.

Tips on how to say no in a positive way

Before making a decision, talk to your child. Explain why you are not complying with a request and make your decision understandable.

This should be done calmly, without raising your voice. Otherwise, children will get nervous and restless.

Sometimes it is better to treat our little ones like their peers. They should take responsibility as they learn how to behave appropriately. 

If you explain to them in a calm and calm tone why you say no, then they will understand too.

say no

2. Be attentive

Children may cry, scream, or come with emotional blackmail in response to a no. To avoid this, it is important to pay attention.

This is how you will avoid it happening. Children know when an adult shows weakness. And yes, they are able to take advantage of that. 

Keep that in mind, but don’t be too hard. After all, they too have feelings and these too can be hurt.

If they don’t respond well, understanding is the first thing to do. You then have to make it clear to them that the world won’t end just because you deny them something. 

4. Be consistent

Don’t tell them one thing first and then tell them another. When your decision is made, there is no going back. No fit of rage changes that.

If you keep changing your mind, your child will be confused. It will then not know how to respond to a no. 

“No” means “no”. Be consistent and don’t let doubts put you off. If the child begins to think that their behavior can influence your decision, then they will not take you seriously.

And over time it will get more and more complicated. And nobody really wants that from us.

5. Be determined

It is important to be confident with children. You can’t say “no” first and then “yes”. So they will know that you have nothing in hand, but only say “No” because of the education. 

You can also make an arrangement with your children. If they accept and obey your decision, you can give them a small reward.

And don’t forget to tell them how proud you are that they take responsibility. That will make them feel very good and that is a positive incentive.

In summary, we want to emphasize once again that it is our job as parents to prepare our children for life. And that includes making it clear to them that life does not always go as desired.

The fact that they are once disappointed and frustrated does no harm to children. On the contrary: it will make them more mature. You will understand how important your own reactions to certain situations in life are.

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