Some People Criticize Me Because My Child Is Still Sitting In The Stroller

We all have to learn to be much more respectful and sensitive. In this sense, every family should be free to choose how they want to raise their children. Because only parents know what needs their children have.
Some criticize me because my child is still sitting in the stroller

There are people who see it as a hobby to interfere in the lives of others. When they see a child older than three years old who is still in a stroller, the mother is immediately criticized for being lazy or careless.

Almost no one wonders if this child might have a developmental disorder or illness that makes it impossible for them to have the same autonomy as a healthy child.

Many parents of children with Down syndrome or other developmental disorders are forced to have their older child still sitting in the stroller .

In addition, many families occasionally decide to put their child in the stroller, for example to speed up the transport to kindergarten and to get to their destination faster. Otherwise, on long journeys, the child may get tired quickly and the journey will of course be much more strenuous.

The fundamental problem, however, is always the ease with which an unfair judgment can be passed without even knowing anything about the child. If a 5-year-old is still in a stroller, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the mother is compliant.

It also does not mean that it is committed to so-called “negative pedagogy” at any cost. Maybe she’s just the mother of a child with joint problems.

We all have to learn to be much more respectful and sensitive. In this sense, every family should be free to decide how they want to raise their children. Because only parents know what needs their children have. We suggest you think about it.

The 5 year old girl who is still sitting in the stroller

A few months ago, Little Things magazine published the story of a girl named Madison. She is just over 5 years old and her family still pushes her around in a stroller.

She is also above average for her age. Because of this, of course, she stands out when she goes for a walk with her parents.

“It’s way too big!” Say people laughing and teasing behind their backs. Madison hears all of this and bows her head in embarrassment. Eventually, Rachel, the mother, felt compelled to tell her story on her own blog, Life of my family and me.

The girl has “hypermobility syndrome” (HMS). She can walk like any other child her age. The only difference is that she gets tired very quickly. And when she walks long distances, she gets a lot of pain in her feet, ankles and knees.

In the summer the pain increases and that’s why her parents always put her in the stroller. She takes anti-inflammatory drugs and often goes through difficult times. Sometimes there are also months in which she can enjoy life completely normally.

Her story shows us the ease with which families are often cruelly and unjustly condemned. They are accused of raising their children poorly. But in reality it is simply an immense love for the child.

Madison sitzt schlafend auf dem Sofa.
Madison, 5 years old

Up to what age can children still sit in the stroller?

As we have already seen, older children always get a lot of attention when they are still in the stroller. On average, by around two and a half or three years old, a child should be able to walk next to their dad or mom.

There are a few exceptions, however.

Long ways to kindergarten or grandparents’ house

When we decide to leave the car and we want to take our two and a half year old child for a longer walk, things tend to get complicated. At this age it is hardly possible for children to be able to run for more than 10 or 15 minutes at a time.

If we are also in a hurry, the stroller can be the perfect haven where we can take our children with us safely and quickly.

Parents push children in strollers.

We should start negotiating with them when we are three

If the child has no mobility problems, then three years is the perfect age to teach them how to walk short distances.

It’s the perfect time to teach him some rules. For example, when you can walk across the zebra crossing, when you have to stop, where you have to look and never let go of mom and dad’s hands.

These are simple rules that we can teach kids to do on a small 20-minute excursion. Because during this period they are still attentive and everything is exciting for them.

The older you get, the easier it is to walk longer distances without getting tired. However, it is best to start with short walks and gradually extend them.

My child still needs a little time to become independent

Every child has its own rhythm. It should therefore not be considered a problem for a 4 or 5 year old child to sit in the stroller when it is necessary for them to.

What other people think is irrelevant. The only important thing is that the child get outside. Because only here does it have the opportunity to stimulate all its senses, to listen, to feel and to be surrounded by everything that life has prepared for it.

Little girl is sitting in stroller.

Some children take a little longer to become independent. It takes time for them to be able to put their feet safely on the ground in order to move forward without falling. Time until your legs can hold their weight and have enough balance to run safely.

It doesn’t matter when that special time is. As mothers, as fathers, and as people who love this child, we will be with them every step of the way to meet all of their needs.

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