Spending Time With Other Mothers Is Not Just Fun But A Necessity

When you have a child, your priorities change – which is right – and your child comes first. 
Spending time with other mothers is not just fun, it is a necessity

Being a mother is not an easy task. Sometimes it’s important to go out, have a coffee, and just hang out with other mothers. Today we want to explain to you in detail why.

It’s not just about your own wellbeing. It’s also about taking care of your child, your home, and your responsibilities at work.

Even in the best of circumstances , a mother faces problems and challenges every day. 

Stress is a natural reaction of the body to the daily physical and emotional pressures of the environment.

When a mother’s stress level is too high, it affects everyone around her – especially young children. Studies have shown that even fetuses are affected by their mother’s stress. 

Stress in itself is not a bad thing. Experts claim that having optimal stress levels gives us energy and is therefore very important.

Of course, the stress level, which each person perceives as optimal, varies. A problem only arises when the stress becomes too much and then it becomes harmful.

As a rule of thumb, mothers often feel that there are not enough hours in the day. They feel like they are always running late and it’s hard to balance all responsibilities.

This is especially true for working mothers. There is even a name for it and that is Burnout Syndrome.

Raising and raising a child from birth to independence is a huge responsibility. What you often forget, however, is that most of the dilemmas you have to face as a mother are completely normal.

Stress as a mother

In other words, most mothers share the same fears and frustrations.

For example:

  • Exhaustion making it impossible for you to identify the emotions associated with it.
  • Difficulty getting into your child’s character.
  • The feeling that motherhood is not what you dreamed of in your life.
  • Alienation from your partner.
  • Specific conflicts that depend on your child’s current stage of development.
  • The exhausting image of the “perfect mother”.
  • Feelings of guilt that come with every decision you make.
  • The fear of failure.

It is therefore important that you take some time off and join a society in which you are understood and supported. This time out gives you the opportunity to talk about your life and shared experiences.

You will feel a relief in the knowledge that you are not alone. That someone understands what it feels like to be you. You will also learn new techniques for dealing with difficulties and finding solutions to everyday problems.

These mom groups are based on discussion and sharing and they recognize that each experience is unique and individual.

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What is a mom group?

Mama groups go by many names. Mamatreff, milk mothers, baby & me, etc …

Mothers often turn to such groups when they are still pregnant or shortly after giving birth and spend time with other mothers there .

Members meet and care for their baby while talking about the joys and difficulties of new motherhood. These relationships are often long-lasting and significant to the mother and children who grow up together.

Where do these mothers meet? It is important that these meetings do not take place in a clinical setting. Instead, the place should be casual, warm, peaceful, and welcoming.

Of course, mothers there should also have the opportunity and the freedom to breastfeed their babies if necessary. If older children are present, attention should also be paid to their needs and safety.

Ideally, these meeting points are free. Mothers from all social classes should have the opportunity to spend time with other mothers.

Also, a change in your financial situation shouldn’t mean losing your group.

Unfortunately, it is not always easy to find such a group. Especially in small towns.

Or, you can spend time with other mothers you already know who share your view of motherhood.

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Schedule some time with other mothers

Spending time with other mothers and sharing experiences will surely help you make strong friendships.

However, it is equally beneficial to spend time with a friend who has no children. As a mom, you sometimes need some fresh air, a distraction, or a change of conversation topic.

Whether you like it or not being a mom takes up a lot of your time. Suddenly your world focuses on this little being and you let everything else fall aside.

It is common for mothers to distance themselves from their friends who do not have children. 

That doesn’t mean that they no longer have anything in common. There are a million things to talk about.

Still, the life changes that motherhood brings can often affect your friendships. When you have a child, your priorities change – which is right – and your child comes first. 

You should still make time for your friends. Spending time with other women, whether they have children or not, is healthy and you need it.

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