Summer Camp: What Do You Have To Put In Your Backpack?

A well-packed backpack is very important so that your children can fully enjoy their time at the holiday camp. Here we go through again what the most essential aspects are.
Summer camp: what has to be in the backpack?

Most children love to go to summer camp. So that they have a really great time, one thing is very important: All parents should know what to consider when packing the backpack. So what the child should definitely have with them. And what things are superfluous. Another aspect is also important: Who is actually responsible for packing the rucksack?

So let’s see what needs to be considered. Because this way your child will have the essentials with them, but not lug around too much. Check out this article for practical tips. These will help you so that you don’t forget anything important for the holiday camp .

Step one: Find out more about the camp

The first thing to do is to find out more about the camp. After all, you should know exactly where it takes place. So whether it will be in the mountains or in the forest, by a lake, etc. It is also important to pay attention to the weather forecast. And of course also what activities are on the program. That can be swimming. Or hiking. Or maybe a night in the bivouac. And of course you should also know how many days the camp will last.

You will usually be told by the camp organization itself if the child needs to bring certain items, such as a sleeping bag, air mattress or flashlight. As soon as you have received all the information, you choose a suitable backpack. Light rucksacks are best for children. Or those that can also be pulled on rollers. Don’t forget to check that the backpack is clean and in good condition.

At the holiday camp: three girls are hiking

These things belong in the backpack for the summer camp

Below is an example of a checklist of what to pack in your backpack for camp. It is quite practical, because you will certainly not forget anything important. But remember to adjust this list if necessary. So depending on the current weather conditions. And also depending on the duration of the holiday camp and the planned activities. If, for example, a visit to the swimming pool is on the program, you must add a bath towel and flip-flops to this list.

  • A hat or cap to protect your child from the sun.
  • Cotton socks and comfortable walking shoes.
  • If the children stay in a tent: a sleeping bag and warm clothes.
  • Toiletry bag with the basic hygiene items (shampoo, shower gel, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb or brush, sun cream with a high protection factor, body lotion, lip balm and mosquito repellent).
  • Also a towel.
  • Pajamas.
  • And of course the parents’ phone numbers (at home, on the go and at work).
  • Health insurance card.

If your child suffers from an illness: In this case, you should provide relevant information for the carers at the holiday camp. This is how they know about the complaints and any measures that may be necessary. So you should give your child a piece of paper with the following information:

  • First of all, it is essential to convey what the treatment consists of. And what dosage is prescribed for the medication.
  • In addition: Which specific things have to be considered? For example, is there a special diet etc.?
  • Are there any activities the child cannot participate in?
  • It is also important to note: What should be done in the face of certain alarming symptoms? And of course what symptoms these are.

The right clothing for the holiday camp

The following applies to all items of clothing that you choose for your child (or that they will choose for themselves): They should be comfortable and durable. Also easy to open or close. They should also dry quickly. Jeans and cotton clothing are recommended. You should also pack enough laundry to change for the days at the holiday camp. Ideally, you should also pack at least two additional items of laundry and clothing.

It is also important that you label all things with your child’s name. So all clothing, shoes and hygiene items. And other personal items too. These include, for example, a flashlight, water bottle and sunglasses. This makes it more likely that your child will not lose any of their belongings. Because the supervisors immediately know who owns what.

Child with backpack in summer camp

Who is packing the rucksack? You or your child

Depending on how excited your child is before camp, you can start packing 1 or 2 days before it starts. You should first do this together with your offspring. So let your child pack all the items in their backpacks themselves. You will of course be at his side and teach him, for example, to check off every item on the list that is already in his backpack.

You can also talk to your child beforehand about how best to pack all of these things in the backpack. So you have to consider which things will the child need first? These should be packed in the backpack last. Because this way they are at the top and therefore the first to be reached. If the backpack also has outside pockets, you can decide together which pockets are best for which things.

The best thing to do is to let your child pack himself

In any case, it is important that he packs his backpack himself. After all, it has to know what it’s got with it. For example, what items of clothing they have with them and where they can find everything. Because if he is able to go to summer camp, then he is also able to pack his backpack. And of course you will also find that your offspring will perform this task more skillfully every year.

Of course, it’s good if you stand by him. Because this way you can help your child if necessary and give them a few practical tips. You also make sure that nothing was forgotten while packing. But by letting the child carry out this task as independently as possible, you will train them to develop a sense of responsibility and to take care of their things independently. So when she comes home from summer camp, she won’t just have had a great time. It has also learned how to properly pack its own backpack!

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