Tasty Pancakes For Children

If you want to surprise your children with a delicious dish, you have come to the right place with these tasty pancakes for children.
Delicious pancakes for children

The various delicious  pancakes for children are a great way to add variety to the menu at home.

These recipes are delicious and nutritious, will make the whole family happy and energize them.

Keeping children happy while maintaining a balanced diet can sometimes be difficult.

At their tender age, children still have a lot to learn. This can lead to fussy eating habits as children often avoid unfamiliar dishes and foods.

However, you can’t go wrong with the following pancakes for kids. The recipes look appealing and smell good. The soft texture makes it easy for little ones to eat.

The eggs they contain are also a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals and are an important part of children’s diets.

These tasty pancakes for children can be eaten at any time of the day: for breakfast, lunch, dinner or as a snack. Here are some of the best recipes.

Eggs as an ingredient in pancakes for children

Delicious pancakes for children

1. Pancakes with cheese, tomatoes and zucchini

The ingredients for this pancake are: grated hard cheese, 4 eggs, 2 ripe tomatoes, 1 zucchini and oil, salt and pepper to taste.

First wash the tomatoes carefully and cut them into small cubes. Do the same with the zucchini. Then whisk the eggs in a bowl and mix in the chopped vegetables and grated cheese.

Season to taste with salt and pepper. Then put some oil in a hot pan or frying pan and add the egg mixture. Fry over medium heat until the egg is firm.

When the pancake is almost ready, turn it over with a spatula. The dish is ready when the egg is cooked through.

2. Pancakes with ham and breadcrumbs

Another great pancake recipe for kids has another popular ingredient: bread. For this simple recipe you will need: olive oil, 50 g breadcrumbs, 2 eggs, parsley, 50 g ham, salt and pepper.

Cut the ham into small pieces and finely chop the parsley. Beat the eggs and add the ham, parsley, breadcrumbs and spices. Put the mixture in a pan with hot oil and fry for a few minutes.

When the pancake is firm on top, turn it over and continue cooking for a few more minutes. Simple but delicious!

3. Spanish potato sausage pancake

For this delicious dish you will need: 3 medium-sized potatoes, 5 eggs, 100 g chorizo ​​sausage, 3 strips of bacon cut into cubes, oil, salt and pepper.

First, wash the potatoes and cut them into very thin slices. Fry them in oil in a heavy-bottomed pan. Once the strips have softened, take them out and set them aside.

Slice the sausage and fry it with the bacon, then remove it and set aside. Whisk the eggs well and add the other ingredients and season with salt and pepper.

Pour the mixture into the pan and fry until golden brown over medium heat.

If you want to turn the pancake, slide it onto a plate. This will prevent it from falling apart.

Then fry on the other side for a few minutes. If you have a suitable pan, you can also put the pancake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Pancakes for children can be savory or sweet

4. Sweet pancakes

Sweet pancakes are great choices for breakfast, a snack, or a treat. For a sweet pancake you will need: 4 eggs, 1/2 cup breadcrumbs, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, ground cinnamon and a little oil.

Beat the eggs in a bowl and mix in the breadcrumbs and other ingredients. Mix well, then transfer to a hot pan with a large spoon or ladle.

Fry until golden on both sides. The sweet pancakes can be served with honey, fruit or melted chocolate.

5. Sweet pumpkin pancakes

For these small pancakes you will need the following ingredients: 2 cups of flour, 5 eggs, 1/2 liter of milk, 150 g of pumpkin, 2 cups of sugar, the zest of 2 lemons, cinnamon and oil for frying.

First peel and dice the pumpkin and cook with the zest of a lemon for ten minutes. Let cool, then mash into a puree and set aside.

In a bowl, mix the eggs, flour, sugar, pumpkin puree and milk with a hand mixer. Then add the zest of a second lemon and a pinch of salt.

Place a large spoonful of the mixture in a hot pan with a little oil. Let it cook until it starts bubbling on top, then turn over and cook on the other side. Serve with cream or jam.

As you can see, these delicious pancakes are simple and easy to make. And even better, they contain many nutrients that help children grow up healthy and strong.

How about one of these recipes?

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