The Best Breastfeeding Positions For You And The Baby

Breastfeeding strengthens the bond between mother and baby. Enjoy this time with your child! 
The best breastfeeding positions for you and the baby

Feeding their little ones is usually a challenge for new mothers. We have therefore put together useful information for you on the best breastfeeding positions .

Four of the best breastfeeding positions

Depending on your physical condition and your well-being while breastfeeding, you can choose a variety of postures. You can also change your baby’s position to make them feel more comfortable.

Regardless of which position you end up choosing, check that your baby is holding the breast well to make sure they can suckle properly. The child should touch the breast with the child and nose.

Baby on your stomach

You lie  on your back and the baby is on top of you. In this case, one also speaks of back-lying. This breastfeeding position is very comfortable for both mother and baby, although it is not that common.

The upper body is slightly raised and the baby lies on its stomach at chest height on the mother. In this way it can search for the breast on its own.

If the mother is on her back, the baby can also lie on her side and drink. Try for yourself what is more comfortable for you. 

It can take a newborn baby between 10 and 60 minutes to find the breast. As soon as it’s a little bigger, it goes much faster. Sometimes it takes less than 10 minutes.

Seated mother

There are several ways to hold the child while sitting:

  • The back grip is recommended after a caesarean section or with large breasts or milk congestion. The child lies sideways under the mother’s arm, with the legs pointing backwards. You need a comfortable pillow to bed your child. You hold your baby’s head in your hand while breastfeeding.
  • The Hoppe rider posture is suitable for children who can already sit. The baby sits on the mother’s lap, possibly on a pillow. It is supported by the mother with her hand and forearm.
  • The cradle position is also very popular, but less pleasant when there is a strong milk flow. The mother sits while the child lies on her stomach on her stomach. The mother holds it lengthways in her arms, her head and neck are in the crook of her elbows, the mother’s hand is on the baby’s bottom. A nursing pillow can be very helpful in this situation. 

besten Stillpositionen

Breastfeeding while lying down

This side-lying position is not that easy at first. It is more difficult to see and adjust the baby’s mouth and chest in this position. However, with a little practice, this position is very comfortable.

The mother lies on her side and the baby lies close to her. This is particularly advantageous if it is already very difficult.

The position the mother chooses depends on her physical condition and how she feels most comfortable while breastfeeding.

best breastfeeding positions

What else should you watch out for when breastfeeding?

It is important to prepare well for breastfeeding. You need a few things for this that make it all more convenient:

  • Comfortable armchair
  • Nursing pillow
  • Books to read, handkerchiefs, a glass of water …

Try for yourself what is most comfortable for you. You now know different  breastfeeding positions and can adapt them to your own needs and those of your baby. 

Breastfeeding strengthens the bond between mother and baby. Enjoy this time with your child!

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