The Day Of The Birth: What Should I Pack?

At the end of your pregnancy, it’s time to pack a bag with all of the items you will need in the hospital!
The day of the birth: what should I pack?

If there are only a few weeks left until the day of  your birth, it makes sense to pack a bag with all of the items that you will need in the hospital. You should be finished with all preparations by the 36th week of pregnancy at the latest.

Not only at home must various preparations be made for the arrival of the baby,  the bag for the hospital is also important  so that when you go into labor you don’t have to go headlong looking for various things and forget half of them.

In today’s article, you’ll find a list of things that shouldn’t be missing on the day of your  birth 

Things you will need when your birth day approaches

  • ID with photo  (ID card or driver’s license) and all the papers you need to allow you to be admitted to the hospital.
  • Bathrobe, slippers and socks. Usually the hospital will give you something after the birth, but it is better to have your own things so that you are comfortable and have no problems. Everything should be comfortable.  Also, keep in mind that it will be necessary to take blood pressure measurements and perform a blood analysis and various routine tests, so clothing that makes this easy is desirable.
  • Things to relax: music, a book, magazines …
  • You will likely need a towel, soap, and other personal hygiene items in case you have to be in the hospital for a few more days. Don’t forget the following items: toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, cream, shampoo and other care and hygiene products.
  • A warm, comfortable jacket. Hospitals are often cool, so a warm jacket is worthwhile.
  • Nursing bra and pads  (several packs for starting milk flow).

Day of birth - in the hospital

  • A comfortable headband, hair elastic … If you have long hair, you may want to tie  it up.
  • A phone with a sufficient battery and the necessary phone numbers. You never know if you need to contact someone for an urgent matter, you should have all the necessary numbers on hand.
  • Lots of underwear. After giving birth, underwear must be changed frequently!
  • Clothes to leave the clinic. Don’t forget to take something with you on the way home. Clothes from the 6th month of pregnancy might fit you now, because your stomach is probably still a bit swollen.
  • Clothes for your baby. Of course, you also need a small bag with baby items:  clothes, socks, blankets, diapers, hats, hygiene products … 

When choosing clothes for you and your baby, take the weather into account!

Tag der Geburt - Wehen

The following things can also be helpful:

Consider packing the following items that might be useful on the day of your birth:

  • An extra pillow. Many women cannot fall asleep if they don’t have enough pillows. You can take a few pillows with you from home as a precaution.
  • Clothes for your companion.  Many women have to spend a few days in hospital after giving birth. If someone is with you, they should have clothes with them.
  • One camera. Don’t forget your camera (and batteries!) To capture those unique moments on the day of your birth.

You shouldn’t buy a new nightgown or use your favorite nightgown for the day of your birth, as it will likely get very dirty.

Don’t forget to take your glasses with you if you wear one!

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