The Hurdles Of Attachment Parenting

Although attachment parenting is nothing new, the concept has become more popular in recent years.
The hurdles of attachment parenting

In this article, we’ll tell you about the hurdles you have to face when it comes to attachment parenting.

Parents who decide to consciously use this educational technique are often strongly criticized by their fellow human beings.

This is because Western societies like ours place great value on productivity and independence.

If you choose to raise your children using attachment parenting , you will have to sacrifice your own independence to meet your baby’s natural (and normal) needs.

Difficulty in bringing up with attachment parenting

We live in a competitive society where property and appearance are more important than happiness. If you choose attachment parenting, you break away from this lopsided value system.

High demands on the hospital

First, do some research about the hospital where you will be having your baby. Above all, ask about breastfeeding support.

It is important that your desire to hug your baby immediately after birth is respected.

The hospital should also allow you to sleep in the same room as your baby. The medical staff should never give the baby a drug without your consent.

In other words, the hospital shouldn’t decide these things for you.

Short maternity leave

Many mothers choose to retire from work to stay home with their children. However, more and more of them have to return to work to support their families.

Unfortunately, there are many hurdles through which you cannot divide your time as you wish.

Attachment parenting is becoming more popular

Leaving the child in someone else’s care is a very difficult decision. But sometimes it’s the only way.

Remember that your child can also feel the feeling of separation. Don’t rush straight to the kitchen or laundry room when you get home. Give this time to your child to compensate for the lost time.

Loss of confidence in one’s own abilities

You will likely hear a lot of negative feedback about how you are raising your child: you don’t have enough milk for it, you carry your baby too much, your baby is crying because it’s moved and if you keep your baby sleeping with you, it will never become independent.

Friends, family, and outsiders all tend to share their own opinions about what should be done better. These comments  can sometimes make you lose confidence in yourself and your decisions.

But think about it carefully! Do people really need supplements, bottles, pacifiers, jumping pillows and playpens in order to survive? Or were these objects simply created to replace what babies really need: their mother? If you’re having any trouble, look for information. Get help when you need it. Follow your maternal instincts and you will likely find the best solution to whatever is bothering your little one.

Your own doubts and insecurities

Even if you obey your maternal instincts and maintain your confidence, you have doubts.

After all, being a mother is not easy. It’s a huge responsibility, so it’s also normal to wonder if you’re doing everything right.

It is these doubts that will help you reflect on yourself and improve certain things.

Social rejection of your parenting methods

Even with the best of intentions , outside opinions can be overwhelming. Friends and family often overwhelm new mothers with information and suggestions that reduce self-confidence.

Don’t pay too much attention to these opinions. Focus on getting to know your child and deciphering their signs and signals.

People may tell you that your parenting techniques make your child weak. But the truth is, attachment parenting gives your child the emotional security of becoming an independent adult. You are raising a child with healthy self-esteem.

Attachment parenting has many hurdles

Wounds from your childhood

Depending on your own childhood, parenting can open past wounds that are difficult to manage. Motherhood gives you the unique opportunity to explore yourself and discover your inner child.

Heal your wounds, forgive and move on. When you raise your child with respect and understanding, you are also giving your own inner child permission to be accepted, respected, and understood.

Remember that being a parent is a daily learning process and that we all make mistakes.

Attachment parenting is a style of parenting with love. And what happens to love and self-sacrifice just can’t be wrong.

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