The Kleiner Kaiser Syndrome

Many parents have less and less time to spend with their children, and this has a clear impact. The Kleiner Kaiser Syndrome is one of them. This article describes what is meant by this.
The Kleiner Kaiser Syndrome

What is meant by the so-called Kleiner Kaiser Syndrome in children? It is a term from psychopathology that describes a child’s behavior. In these cases the little ones become authoritarian and claim control over the rest of the family members.

The Little Emperor Syndrome in children is a relatively new phenomenon, which is also known as a disorder Oppositional defiant disorder. The children who show this syndrome want to be in power  and rule over everyone in their daily life.

The parents of these children have problems making decisions that are not in the child’s interests. Even in such trivial matters as choosing the TV channel or preparing dinner.

Of course, this also extends to more far-reaching topics such as the holiday destination, buying new toys or even the decision to get a new sibling.

How do you recognize the Kleiner-Kaiser-Syndrome?

As the name suggests, this syndrome involves children who want to control everything around them. If another person makes a decision for them, they refuse completely. Aggressive behavior as a result is not uncommon.

For example, the following behaviors can occur:

  • Tantrums
  • Verbal and physical aggression towards the parents or other adults
  • Trying to manipulate parents psychologically
  • Frequent self-centered behavior
  • There is hardly any tolerance for frustration
  • Excessive and unsubstantiated claims
  • It takes on the role of victim in order to convince its parents

With Kleiner-Kaiser-Syndrome the child wants to be in control of everything

Why does this syndrome occur?

Basically, the researchers point to the theory that this problem arises because parents spend too little time with their children. After all, these are not already born as “tyrants”, but develop into such over the years.

What do the parents’ working hours have to do with Kleiner-Kaiser-Syndrome? Because parents and children hardly have any time together, there is often a lack of clear boundaries in bringing up children .

Due to the lack of time, many parents often feel guilty and allow more than is actually necessary. The children then interpret this behavior as a way of manipulating their parents.

One might think that only children are particularly affected by Kleiner-Kaiser-Syndrome, but this cannot be said across the board. It happens among siblings that the youngest often try to take command of their parents.

What do you do with children like that?

The first thing to find a solution for are the outbreaks of violence against parents, siblings, teachers, etc. Parents should lead by example in this regard. They should teach their children the importance of communication, respect, and tolerance.

On the other hand, it is also important to work on the empathy of the child concerned. Parents should teach him to understand how his behavior makes others feel.

Perhaps the most important point is to set boundaries from the start. The child should understand that in every situation there are certain rules of conduct that they must obey. Be it at home, at school or in a sports club, for example.

In moments when everything is going well and following the established rules, consider an appropriate reward. In this way the child realizes that the right behavior is positive.

With all this, however, one must not forget that time with parents is still the most important thing for a child. If you show him rules and are present at the same time to demand them, you can stop the Kleiner-Kaiser-Syndrome.

Child is crying and mother is desperate

Youngsters and the school

Insubordinate students are certainly not particularly popular in any school. They often question the authority of teachers, and sometimes even get parental support in doing so.

In this way, the Kleiner Kaiser Syndrome is only promoted. The young people affected use their manipulative skills and possibly bring their parents on their side so that they confront the school together.

It is actually quite normal that young people test their limits and are not always particularly cooperative. However, such behavior can also lead to aggression towards parents or teachers. In such a case, one should not be afraid to seek professional help.

As a parent you should teach your child to accept rules in order to know your own limits and not to exceed them.

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